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Write down ideas on the main story line and considerations for the whitepaper #2

Open jurra opened 1 year ago

jurra commented 1 year ago

We can make a checklist of things:

Example of a story line:

Alternative storyline:

The order of these are already quite different stories....

Jerzeek commented 1 year ago

My preference would be the first one, clearly stating the importance as a whole and then why research and education should support that. Within the TU Delft there are the following research themes:

I think it can really help if we find examples of all of these

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

seems that we have been thinking very similar to each other. I have put a stub text based on the talks of the open hardware session in Veldhoven in a new branch

I think starting with powerful stories is much more effective than rational argumentation. I have already put Opentrons and Openflexure as examples, adding two more stories on energy ( and infra (cubesat or safecast?) can be sufficient at this moment.

I actually would like to suggest an alternative way of proceeding than agreeing on the structure. If we can scavenge text from previous writings related to this topic, structuring it will be much easier, than agreeing on a meta-level on what should be in the paper.

I invite you especially to share text that can put Open hardware developments in the international context, regarding recent regulations in US and EU, and major initiatives by major players such as NASA, UN, Philantropic funds.

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

I have transcribe the talks into examples and added the example of eScience center as a reference. I think using success stories can be powerful in capturing the imagination.

I have also made some suggestions for the section directly in the file in my branch but maybe I should take one step back and work on the writing assignments instead