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Useful research to cite #3

Open Jerzeek opened 1 year ago

Jerzeek commented 1 year ago

Here I would like to start a discussion of useful research people or institutions have done that highlights the importance of open hardware (in open science).

Please highlight the following: Name of the paper: Author(s): One sentence summary: Link:

Jerzeek commented 1 year ago

Name of the paper: The impact of open source software and hardware on technological independence, competitiveness and innovation in the EU economy Author(s): Knut Blind et. al. One sentence summary: Key takeaway: It is recommended to fund the development of centres of excellence in the area of Open Source Hardware consisting of partnerships between academia, research institutions and the private sector. Link:

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

Equitable Research Capacity Towards the Sustainable Development Goals: The Case for Open Science Hardware, by Arancio, Morales Tirado and Pearce.

"o achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), open science policies must shift focus from products to processes and infrastructure, including access to open source scientific equipment."

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

Pearce, J. (2015) Quantifying the Value of Open Source Hard-ware Development. Modern Economy, 6, 1-11. doi: 10.4236/me.2015.61001.

A case study of a syringe pump with numerous scientific and medical applications is presented. The results found millions of dollars of economic value from a relatively simple scientific device being released under open-licenses representing orders of magnitude increase in value from conventional proprietary development.

here is an interview with Pearce about the economic value for research among other things

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

Frugal Science Powered by Curiosity by Gaurav Byagathvalli, Elio J. Challita, and M. Saad Bhamla

authors define frugal science and use six case studies to describe the broad applications of frugal science, from synthetic biology to disease diagnostics.

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

Open-source hardware as a model of technological innovation and academic entrepreneurship: The Brazilian landscape Vinícius Rosa Cota et al in Innovation & Management Review

argue in favor of the open hardware philosophy (open-source hardware – OSH) as a technological innovation and academic entrepreneurshipmodel in Brazil.

very well researched, and has a good section on buisness models and limitations of IP

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

A case for weakening patent rights, Osborne, Pearce, Haselhuhn

they argue that the patent law built upon the condition of post WW2 is not suitable for accelerating innovation. this is mostel legal theory argument, based on the cases from 3D printing

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

Professors want to share: preliminary survey results on establishing open‐source‐endowed professorships Joshua M. Pearce et al

Survey on willingness of professors to accept Open source endowed professorships defined as: (1) ensure that all of their writing is distributed via open access, either by publishing in open-access journals or posting legal preprints of all academic work, as well as ensuring their books are made available on open-access platforms in some way, and (2) releasing all of their intellectual property in the public domain or under appropriate open-source licenses.

SanliFaez commented 1 year ago

Strategic Investment in Open Hardware for National Security by Joshua M. Pearce

In this article, Joshua Pearce argues based on a theoretical model that free open source hardware can be used as a sanction. This sanction can mainly be used by tech-owning countries against their opponents who are benefiting from closed state-controlled access to these technologies.

Jerzeek commented 1 year ago

Open Source and Sustainability: The Role of University

This paper is an analysis of the open source model in contrast to the intellectual property rights system. with a discussion of how academic institutions can (and should ) help diffusing the OS philosophy and practice.

Thanks to Perine for the suggestion

Vsaggiomo commented 1 year ago

Open Hardware in Science: The Benefits of Open Electronics

Mostly for sensors but it has a very broad view on the field.

Vsaggiomo commented 1 year ago

Open hardware: From DIY trend to global transformation in access to laboratory equipment

Focus on biology, with an overview of different OH projects useful in a bio lab