delian / node-sflow

Sflow module for Node.JS
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
9 stars 5 forks source link

unknown format error #5

Open lhenry7 opened 6 years ago

lhenry7 commented 6 years ago

Hi I'm using host-sflow will the following config: pcap { dev = docker_gwbridge }

My js code has this: Collector(function(flow) { if (flow && flow.flow.records && flow.flow.records.length>0) { flow.flow.records.forEach(function(n) { console.log(n); }); } }).listen(6343);

After a few flows, it consistently fails with "unknown format" err. Following is out with debug turned on:

[root@ip-10-227-81-88 scripts]# DEBUG=sflow,sflow:packet node swarm-metrics.js sflow got a packet +0ms sflow:packet header: {"sflowVersion":5,"ipVersion":1,"ipVersionText":"IPv4","ipAddress":"","subAgentId":100000,"sequence":14,"uptimeMS":81255,"samples":5} +3ms sflow:packet sample 0:{"enterprise":0,"format":1,"length":112} +1ms sflow:packet reading flow 0 with enterprise 0, format 1 and length 72 +0ms sflow gow a flow 25 from packet with sequence 14 +1ms sflow:packet sample 1:{"enterprise":0,"format":1,"length":112} +7ms sflow:packet reading flow 0 with enterprise 0, format 1 and length 72 +0ms sflow gow a flow 26 from packet with sequence 14 +0ms sflow:packet sample 2:{"enterprise":0,"format":1,"length":184} +2ms sflow:packet reading flow 0 with enterprise 0, format 1 and length 144 +0ms sflow gow a flow 27 from packet with sequence 14 +0ms sflow:packet sample 3:{"enterprise":0,"format":1,"length":112} +0ms sflow:packet reading flow 0 with enterprise 0, format 1 and length 72 +0ms sflow gow a flow 28 from packet with sequence 14 +0ms sflow:packet sample 4:{"enterprise":0,"format":1,"length":184} +1ms sflow:packet reading flow 0 with enterprise 0, format 1 and length 144 +0ms sflow gow a flow 29 from packet with sequence 14 +0ms sflow got a packet +7s sflow:packet header: {"sflowVersion":5,"ipVersion":1,"ipVersionText":"IPv4","ipAddress":"","subAgentId":100000,"sequence":15,"uptimeMS":81255,"samples":1} +0ms sflow:packet sample 0:{"enterprise":0,"format":2,"length":680} +0ms sflow:packet unknown format +1ms { format: 2001, length: 4 } /etc/chef/compose-stacks/sflow-rt/node_modules/node-sflow/lib/packet.js:335 throw new Error('unknown format'); ^

Error: unknown format at Object.internal.readCounterRecords (/etc/chef/compose-stacks/sflow-rt/node_modules/node-sflow/lib/packet.js:335:23) at /etc/chef/compose-stacks/sflow-rt/node_modules/node-sflow/lib/packet.js:428:50 at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9) [root@ip-10-227-81-88 scripts]#

Any idea what is happening here?

josemarjp commented 1 year ago

sflow:pacote unknown format +1ms { format: 2001 , lenght: 4 }

2001 format not mapped in application