deliciousbrains / sqlbuddy

phpMyAdmin alternative with a focus on usability
MIT License
188 stars 54 forks source link

Linux Distributions #21

Open hoytnix opened 8 years ago

hoytnix commented 8 years ago

Hello, may I suggest building a distribution pipeline in addition to your release-pipeline to assemble packages for various Linux distributions?

PMA is installable with a single apt-getcommand: to compete with PMA, being able to automatically release distributions to the official Ubuntu and Debian channels would be a great minimum-viable move towards mass-distribution. Ubuntu support will additionally open the market for distributed Docker images which is a bonus.

In relationship with existing product support for S3-and-CloudFront, I believe a release-channel for AMI would be the next logical step.

I personally use Arch Linux, although I can't make a recommendation on when it would be appropriate to facilitate those channels.

Best Regards, Michael Hoyt.