deliciousbrains / wp-amazon-s3-and-cloudfront

Automatically copies media uploads to Amazon S3 for delivery. Optionally configure Amazon CloudFront for even faster delivery.
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The difference between the request time and the current time is too large. #486

Closed jayesh2509 closed 5 years ago

jayesh2509 commented 5 years ago

Issues is to bucket and my DIAGNOSTIC INFO error will this

Table Prefix: wp_ WordPress: 4.7.4 Web Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) PHP: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.22 MySQL: 5.5.57 ext/mysqli: yes PHP Memory Limit: 268435456 WP Memory Limit: 64M Memory Usage: 17 MB Blocked External HTTP Requests: None WP Locale: en_US Organize uploads by month/year: Enabled WP_DEBUG: No WP_DEBUG_LOG: No WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: No SCRIPT_DEBUG: No WP Max Upload Size: 1 GB PHP Time Limit: 30 PHP Error Log: WP Cron: Enabled fsockopen: Enabled allow_url_fopen: Enabled OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 cURL: Enabled Zlib Compression: Enabled PHP GD: 2.1.1-dev Imagick: Disabled Basic Auth: Disabled Proxy: Disabled

Media Files: 267 Media Files on S3: 228 Number of Image Sizes: 11

Names and Dimensions of Image Sizes: thumbnail (none) medium (none) large (none) flipbokkimg (100x100) shop_thumbnail (180x180) shop_catalog (300x300) shop_single (600x600) post-thumbnail (none) beetube-fslider (400x300) beetube-movies (185x274)

WP_CONTENT_DIR: /var/www/html/wp-content UPLOADS: Not defined WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins

AWS_USE_EC2_IAM_ROLE: Not defined AS3CF_BUCKET: Not defined AS3CF_ASSETS_BUCKET: Not defined AS3CF_REGION: Not defined

Bucket: yflive Region: us-east-2 Copy Files to S3: On Rewrite File URLs: On

S3 URL: https://s3‑us‑east‑‑content/uploads/2019/02/13070706/photo.jpg

Domain: path Enable Path: On Custom Path: wp-content/uploads/ Use Year/Month: On Force HTTPS: Off Remove Files From Server: On Object Versioning: On

Active Theme Name: Betube Child Active Theme Folder: betube-child Parent Theme Folder: betube

Active Plugins: Advanced Custom Fields PRO (v5.5.10) by Elliot Condon Akismet Anti-Spam (v3.3) by Automattic All In One SEO Pack (v2.3.13.2) by Michael Torbert Amazon Web Services (v1.0.2) by Delicious Brains Contact Form 7 (v4.7) by Takayuki Miyoshi Easy HTTPS (SSL) Redirection (v1.6) by Tips and Tricks HQ Font Awesome 4 Menus (v4.7.0) by New Nine Media LayerSlider WP (v6.3.0) by Kreatura Media PDF Image Generator (v1.5.6) by Mizuho Ogino Real 3D Flipbook (v2.35) by creativeinteractivemedia Redux Framework (v3.6.4) by Team Redux Video Thumbnails (v2.12.3) by Sutherland Boswell WP Offload S3 Lite (v1.1.6) by Delicious Brains WP Statistics (v12.0.5) by Greg Ross & Mostafa Soufi WP-Mail-SMTP (v0.10.1) by Callum Macdonald WooCommerce (v3.0.8) by Automattic WooCommerce PayPal Pro (v2.1) by wp.insider beTube Ads (v1.0.1) by JoinWebs beTube Helper (v1.2) by JoinWebs

ianmjones commented 5 years ago

Your server's time is too inaccurate, AWS doesn't like that.

bstarr322 commented 12 months ago

@ianmjones We have the same issue. We are running the site on AWS EC2 Instance which is based on US-east-1. And S3 Bucket is on US-west-1. Do you think this would be the cause of this issue and we need to match the region to the same one?