deliciousbrains / wp-offload-ses-lite

WP Offload SES Lite sends all outgoing WordPress emails through Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) instead of the local wp_mail() function.
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AWS Keys Invalid #11

Open BoylenAdmin opened 4 years ago

BoylenAdmin commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

I've configured my AWS SES service, authenticated and verified my domain and email address however I am getting the following error with the plugin setup

Your AWS Access Keys are invalid, please check the credentials you have defined in your wp-config.php and refresh this page.

I have added the key information directly to the wp-config.php file.

I have created an IAM user for SES with full SESaccess and generated a key and used this in the wp-config.php file

Any assistance with this?

jounileander commented 4 years ago

Hi @BoylenAdmin!

Did you figure this one out? I'm having exactly the same problem. Access keys are correct and everything used to work properly, but now I get the same message.

BoylenAdmin commented 4 years ago

Hi @jounileander unfortunately no.

I have attempted to use the access keys for the specific IAM user I have given SES access to and also the keys generated via the main account Security Credentials screen -> Access Keys

BoylenAdmin commented 4 years ago

@jounileander follow this thread -

jounileander commented 4 years ago

@BoylenAdmin I solved my problem.

Short answer: check that your server time is gmt + 0.

Long answer: The aws logs showed a message indicating that the problem was with servers timestamp vs. aws timestamp.

My problem was that my virtual server has crashed in some point and the server time was misconfigured after the server was started again – When my server (wp-offload-ses-lite) tried to authenticate to aws api, the timestamp sent with request didn't match the restriction aws has for request timestamp (it is supposed to be +- 5 minutes from aws server time I guess).

So at least you can try and check that your server time is gmt +0, if it's not, the request wont go through and WP Offload ses lite will just tell you the credentials are incorrect which is not quite the truth. Also check for the aws ses logs. Hope this helps.

ibnuariff commented 4 years ago

I also encountered the same problem and correcting the server time solves it.

The log did indicate that the timestamp is the issue.

webdz9r commented 4 years ago

the above solution worked here is the command I ran to sync the system clock... ntpdate -u which produced the following output step time server offset 310.855436 sec

Putr commented 2 years ago

Fixing server time isn't exactly a valid way to fix this.

Why has the plugin not been updated? This seems like a simple enough fix.