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Ideas to add to Venezuela and South America #1879

Closed hurafloyd closed 2 years ago

hurafloyd commented 3 years ago


1) Change spirit modifiers description, change "replace" by "modify" to avoid confusion, or adapt the current amounts to remove negative effects or add positive effects.

2) Remove the term "Bolivarian" from all focuses since they are not historically accurate: Foundation of the GNB -> Foundation of the Guardia Nacional Bolivarian Navy -> Venezuelan Navy Unify Bolivarian Brothers -> Unify with Colombia Bolivarian Development -> Gran Colombia Development Unify Bolivarian Army -> The Gran Colombia Army

This should also let the Gran Colombian Unification tree to be developed.

3) Change names:

From "Delgado "Chalbaud" to "Carlos Delgado Chalbaud". From "Antnio Chalbaud Cardona" to "Antonio Chalbaud Cardona".

4) Perez Jimenez banned also the communist party while persecuting its members.

Suggest adding a modifier affecting the Political Actions of "Ban Communism" and "Anti-Communist Raids", I thought it could be any (if not all) of the following:

they cost less political power.
their negative effects are halved.
their positive effects are doubled.

5) The name CAVIM is historically inaccurate, since it was funded in the 70s.

Suggest changing it to something like "Arms Self Sufficiency" or "Venezuelan Arms Industries".

6) I have some suggestions regarding this part:

The tree "Moderate the Cabinet" shouldnt have access to "Visions up North", since Visions up North is an expansionist (or even anti-communist if Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba) ideology that doesnt go well with Angarita's ideology as set up in the mod.

Puerto Rico can also be added as a core with the "Strike the Giant" besides puppeting the USA, it will also make sense if the "Our Heritage" political action is followed.

(I havent got to this focus yet but with the description given I assumed this) By the historical timeline followed by the game, Trinidad and Tobago is being swapped between the UK and USA during the war, the focus of "Claim Trinidad" could generate conflict with either of the two since Trinidad and Tobago wasnt independent at the time. If the US is controlling the island then "Intervention in Brazil/Strike the Giant" would become useless as a focus since there will be a choice to declare war to the US beforehand.

Suggest changing "Secure Hispaniola" to "Secure La Española", to keep its original Spanish term.

"Unión del Caribe" should also have Jamaica as a core (Puerto Rico will be included in "Strike de Giant"), although Jamaica is under UK control, the "Claim in Trinidad" decision will be consistent with this focus.


Events and Poltical actions

Colombia/Venezuela Event

Venezuela Event

South America/Spain Event

Venezuela political action

Venezuela prospect for resources

Add "Extract Aluminum from El Chorro" it adds an amount of Aluminum to Zulia. It should require a high enough excavation research (may be IV or V)

Venezuela's Focus Tree

Allow for a "diplomatic" (aka I'm going to own you if you dont comply) approach since Panama, Ecuador, Guyana (owned by the UK during the setting of HOI4 but with custom rules becomes independent) and areas of northern Peru were part of the Gran Colombia. If the "diplomatic" approach is rejected by the countries, then the military approach given with the current focuses is good.

1) it will add a national spirit that increases resistance strength in case the country is invaded and sabotages industry in case another party comes to power during the game (not too fond of this one since the playthrough would have to get to that point). 2) it will add a national spirit that increases recruitable population.

1) "Cabimas Oil Discovery" could be replaced by an "Invest in Basic Resources", where the resource gain will be increased by an amount and also adds civilian factories. A1) "Expand Oil Industry" should honour its name and allow the increase of oil production, may be in unison with excavation research allows the political actions for improvement of oil extraction (like with the Chinese with Iron and Aluminum) [read note]. A2) "Engineering Schools" could use an extra Fuel production from Oil and extra Synthetic Production (read note). A3) "Open Rubber Plantations" can be left as it is. A4) "Expand Isla Refinery" can be left as it is. A*) Add a focus called "Amuay Refinery" that adds Synthetic Refinery to Zulia by an amount. Can be placed under "Engineering Schools". A5) "Establish the IFE" can be left as it is. A6) "Promote Foreign Investments" can use an increase of synthetic refineries in Zulia and Miranda (read note). A7) "Achieve Venezuelan Autarky" should be left as it is (read note).

B1) The "National Recovery Act" focus should have something that allows the player to make it worth its time, may be add more civilian factories and infraestructure besides its negative effects (read note). B2) "Alternatives to Oil" can be left as it is (read note). B3) "Invest in the Mining Industries" can be left as it is (read note). B4) "Industrial Development" can be changed to 1 x Industry Research and 1 x Synthetic Research. B5) "Improve Living Standards" should not have electronic research in its target, at least the name of the focus doesnt fit, suggest changing the name to "Modernization Equipment" or suggest changing its effects to more infraestructure, extra civilian factories and/or extra core population. B6) "Lift the Oil Curse" can be left as it is (read note).

C) "Build Rural Schools" can be left as it is.

D) "Begin Rearmament" subtree could be left as it is.

Note: all the focuses that have resources to market should have a condition that the country should have Export Focus or the focuses wont activate (or may be lock Export Focus with a 1000 political power requirement). Except when the "Lift the Oil Curse" is developed that will release this restriction and allows the change of the law. This is the reason why the sub tree A has so many extra resource production suggestions for oil and synthetic refineries. Venezuela was dependant of its oil exports since their discovery under Gomez's dictatorship, the tree will make it historically consistant while the subtree B gives the possibility to break off from history and not be so oil exports dependant.

Note 2: if Venezuela's focuses allows the country to fight for dominance in America, it requires some extra focuses that will allow the country to withstand the continous fight against all South America, Caribbean and the USA. Its not a big military power like the US, UK, Germany or Japan but it still had enough basic resource productivity to contend with them.

I will play a whole game and make another list with suggestions while they come to me.


Pedro Estrada, condition has to be fascist government and it should have the Prince of Terror qualities. Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso, condition has to be democratic government and it should have Captain of Industry qualities.

TheBrit7 commented 3 years ago

Wow, thanks for the list on the feedback! I will certainly take a look at this when I have the time

hurafloyd commented 3 years ago

You are welcome! Just giving some extra love to an already magnificent mod.

If you need further feedback or if I mentioned something that wasn't that entirely clear, let me know. I might though add some more stuff in the following days. Specially with the political advisors since it needs some more of them.

TheBrit7 commented 3 years ago

I am aware of the lack of advisors and i already added a bunch for the next update, so no need to worry about that

hurafloyd commented 3 years ago

I’m looking forward to your update!