delid4ve / openhab-3.x-sonoff

Openhab Binding for Sonoff Devices
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how should the discovery be made #14

Open arpagor62970 opened 2 years ago

arpagor62970 commented 2 years ago

Hello, after having installed your addon I have it sonoff acount thing to green

but when I create a Channel for a Sonoff Basic R2 with the ID found in the Ewelink app I have an error message saying "This device has not been initiated, please run discovery" discovery

-I do ? how should the discovery be made? i tried with the android app but ... it shouldn't be that! Thank you for your explanation

delid4ve commented 2 years ago

you need to go to Settings->things and click the blue plus sign bottom corner. You can then scan for items by selecting the sonoff binding