delight-im / Android-AdvancedWebView

Enhanced WebView component for Android that works as intended out of the box
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App Keep Crashing When Download File #235

Open mthurs13 opened 5 years ago

mthurs13 commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I just start using android studio My App keep crash when I try to download some files due to no permission to access external storage

java.lang.SecurityException: No permission to write to /storage/emulated/0/Download/test.pdf: Neither user 10089 nor current process has android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

There's any way to force popup permission request when WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is disabled by user? so my App won't crash when i click download button without external storage permission

Sorry for my bad english Thank you

ocram commented 5 years ago

Did you implement

public void onDownloadRequested(String url, String suggestedFilename, String mimeType, long contentLength, String contentDisposition, String userAgent) {
    // ...

and inside of that add a call to

AdvancedWebView.handleDownload(this, url, suggestedFilename)

as described in the README?

Can’t you check for runtime permissions as usual inside of onDownloadRequested, and if granted, call AdvancedWebView.handleDownload, otherwise, request the permission?

mthurs13 commented 5 years ago

I already implemented code from example before But the app still crash when I trying to download a file, it wont popup the permission request So we have to manually enable WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission from android app settings

public void onDownloadRequested(String url, String suggestedFilename, String mimeType, long contentLength, String contentDisposition, String userAgent) {
if (AdvancedWebView.handleDownload(this, url, suggestedFilename)) {
 // download successfully handled
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Download Success!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
// download couldn't be handled because user has disabled download manager app on the device
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Download Failed!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

How to automatically popup the permission request? so we dont have to enable that permission manually from android app settings

ocram commented 5 years ago

Well, there don’t seem to be any permission checks and request in that excerpt as suggested, right?

mthurs13 commented 5 years ago

Did you have any example code for permission checks and request?

ocram commented 5 years ago

Sure, these would be the standard Android runtime permissions:

katlegoN commented 5 years ago

@mthurs13 , did you manage to get the download feature working? if so how ?