delimitrou / DeathStarBench

Open-source benchmark suite for cloud microservices
Apache License 2.0
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Issues in running Benchmark #92

Open shivankgarg98 opened 3 years ago

shivankgarg98 commented 3 years ago

I'm not able to run any of the 3 Benchmark. Probably due to some issue with nginx-web-server.

Please look at the following output:

root@localhost:/data/shivank/DeathStarBench/mediaMicroservices# wget localhost:8080
--2021-01-26 16:59:47--  http://localhost:8080/
Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...

The above command get stuck. Docker logs for nginx-web-server are as follows:

root@localhost:/data/shivank/DeathStarBench/mediaMicroservices# docker-compose logs nginx-web-server
Attaching to mediamicroservices_nginx-web-server_1
nginx-web-server_1          | 2021/01/26 11:27:56 [error] 10#10: Failed to open tracer configuration file /usr/local/openresty/nginx/jaeger-config.json (13: Permission denied)
nginx-web-server_1          | 2021/01/26 11:27:56 [error] 8#8: Failed to open tracer configuration file /usr/local/openresty/nginx/jaeger-config.json (13: Permission denied)
nginx-web-server_1          | 2021/01/26 11:27:56 [error] 9#9: Failed to open tracer configuration file /usr/local/openresty/nginx/jaeger-config.json (13: Permission denied)
nginx-web-server_1          | 2021/01/26 11:27:56 [error] 11#11: Failed to open tracer configuration file /usr/local/openresty/nginx/jaeger-config.json (13: Permission denied)
nginx-web-server_1          | 2021/01/26 11:27:56 [alert] 1#1: worker process 11 exited with fatal code 2 and cannot be respawned
nginx-web-server_1          | 2021/01/26 11:27:56 [alert] 1#1: worker process 8 exited with fatal code 2 and cannot be respawned
nginx-web-server_1          | 2021/01/26 11:27:56 [alert] 1#1: worker process 9 exited with fatal code 2 and cannot be respawned
nginx-web-server_1          | 2021/01/26 11:27:56 [alert] 1#1: worker process 10 exited with fatal code 2 and cannot be respawned

It's failing to open the tracer file even after I have changed the permission for openresty directory to 777 recursively. Also, I'm not able to understand what's causing the problem.

Any help is appreciated.

hyhuang00 commented 3 years ago

Same here. My docker containers serving the frontend keeps restarting.

hyhuang00 commented 3 years ago

It seems like the fatal error is due to unsupported instruction set on the CPU. I solved it by migrating the benchmark to another machine and it works fine now.

alcidesmig commented 2 years ago

Hi @shivankgarg98 @hyhuang00 , I've experienced the same issue in my local machine, and it was not my first time with this using Lua.

In my specific case, I use umask 0077 in my ~/.bashrc in order to guarantee default file permissions for my user files. It caused the file socialNetwork/nginx-web-server/jaeger-config.json to be cloned (during repo git clone) without global read permissions, and caused the problem. Setting the read permission to group+others in Linux fs solved my problem and then I was able to get the environment up.

[alcides@mig] ~/DeathStarBench/socialNetwork $ ls -ilha ./nginx-web-server/jaeger-config.json
21952663 -rw------- 1 alcides alcides 273 Apr  5 21:42 ./nginx-web-server/jaeger-config.json
[alcides@mig] ~/DeathStarBench/socialNetwork $ chmod go+r ./nginx-web-server/jaeger-config.json
[alcides@mig] ~/DeathStarBench/socialNetwork $ ls -ilha ./nginx-web-server/jaeger-config.json
21952663 -rw-r--r-- 1 alcides alcides 273 Apr  5 21:42 ./nginx-web-server/jaeger-config.json

It's failing to open the tracer file even after I have changed the permission for openresty directory to 777 recursively.

Given what I said, try to set the permission for nginx-web-server folder recursively instead of changing the openresty one @hyhuang00.