delindell / sole-mate

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Display All socks #2

Open delindell opened 4 years ago

delindell commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a user, when the page loads I want to see all the socks.


WHEN the page loads THEN I should see all the socks AND they should appear as images AND when I hover over one image should be greyed out and the name should appear

Dev Notes

delindell commented 4 years ago
const sock = {
name: 'steve',
age: 23,
brand: 'Hanes',
color: 'White',
status: 'Extra Dirty',
hobby: 'Swimming'
location: 'San Franciso',
size: 'W 5-10'
wantsLeft: true,
height: 'tube',
description: 'bla bla bla bla',
quote: 'Don't hang me out to dry',
daysSingle: 365