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unnessessary code lines in SurnameGenerationModel class in7_3_Model1_Unconditioned_Surname_Generation-Origin.ipynb #13

Open zhangjiekui opened 5 years ago

zhangjiekui commented 5 years ago

It seems these code lines below are unnessessry, I uncommented these lines and the runned result is just the same. Would you agree that?

class SurnameGenerationModel(nn.Module): def init(self, char_embedding_size, char_vocab_size, rnn_hidden_size, batch_first=True, padding_idx=0, dropout_p=0.5): """ Args: char_embedding_size (int): The size of the character embeddings char_vocab_size (int): The number of characters to embed rnn_hidden_size (int): The size of the RNN's hidden state batch_first (bool): Informs whether the input tensors will have batch or the sequence on the 0th dimension padding_idx (int): The index for the tensor padding; see torch.nn.Embedding dropout_p (float): the probability of zeroing activations using the dropout method. higher means more likely to zero. """ super(SurnameGenerationModel, self).init()

    self.char_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=char_vocab_size,

    self.rnn = nn.GRU(input_size=char_embedding_size, 

    self.fc = nn.Linear(in_features=rnn_hidden_size, 

    self._dropout_p = dropout_p

def forward(self, x_in, apply_softmax=False):
    """The forward pass of the model

        x_in (torch.Tensor): an input data tensor. 
            x_in.shape should be (batch, input_dim)
        apply_softmax (bool): a flag for the softmax activation
            should be false if used with the Cross Entropy losses
        the resulting tensor. tensor.shape should be (batch, char_vocab_size)
    x_embedded = self.char_emb(x_in)

    y_out, _ = self.rnn(x_embedded)

    #batch_size, seq_size, feat_size = y_out.shape
    #y_out = y_out.contiguous().view(batch_size * seq_size, feat_size)

    y_out = self.fc(F.dropout(y_out, p=self._dropout_p))

    if apply_softmax:
        y_out = F.softmax(y_out, dim=1)

    #new_feat_size = y_out.shape[-1]
    #y_out = y_out.view(batch_size, seq_size, new_feat_size)

    return y_out