delivered / chargify-zendesk

Access your Chargify subscription data from within Zendesk.
MIT License
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[First Timers Only] Display link to subscription transactions #2

Closed stevenmaguire closed 7 years ago

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago

In some cases we won't display all the native data associated with a subscription because it requires additional API calls. Instead we can provide a link to the resource within the Chargify account itself.

An example of this treatment already exists in the code.

Transactions are a significant piece of associated data for subscriptions. It would be great to display a link that opens a given subscription's transactions in the Chargify account itself, in a new tab.

goti921 commented 7 years ago

I would like to contribute. Any more details ?

krys2fa commented 7 years ago

I'm also interested in contributing. Kindly provide further information.

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago

Please review the contributing guide. Fork this repository, pull your fork down locally, then get the application up and running locally. From there you can implement the feature requested here and then submit a pull request.

shivasheeshyadav commented 7 years ago

Hey @stevenmaguire , I would like to work on this issue.

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago

Ok! Please review the contributing guide. Fork this repository, pull your fork down locally, then get the application up and running locally. From there you can implement the feature requested here and then submit a pull request.

shivasheeshyadav commented 7 years ago

Ok. Please add "hacktoberfest" label to this issue, and assign it to me.

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago

I will add the label. I cannot assign you because you are not in the delivered organization. You are welcome to submit a Pull Request with your solution, as is anyone else for that matter.

shivasheeshyadav commented 7 years ago

@stevenmaguire I've forked the repo. I've installed the zat gem. Now how do i run it locally on my machine ? What will be the subdomain ?

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago

To run the project locally, you will need to follow these instructions from the contributing guide:

Getting started:

Install the zat gem - $ gem install zendesk_apps_tools
Run the server - $ zat server
Preview the app - bring up zendesk, find a user or ticket, and add zat=true query string parameters to the url, like this:
    NOTE: if a shield icon appears in the browser, click on on and allow the script to run
  reload the app to make changes active

After $ zat server and before Preview the app will be prompted for an api_key and chargify subdomain. These need to be for a chargify account that you have access to.

shivasheeshyadav commented 7 years ago

@stevenmaguire So do I have to create a chargify account then ?

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago

Yes. Or gain access to an existing one with sample data. You will also need to have access to a Zendesk account as well. Do you have those?

shivasheeshyadav commented 7 years ago

No. Neither I have access to any chargify account with sample data nor to a Zendesk account.

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago

Ah, that is definitely a roadblock for this particular project. You will need those things before beginning.

udayapitchika commented 7 years ago

@stevenmaguire do you have a preferred position where the link to subscription transactions should appear? Is it okay if it is placed just below the ID ?

Also what should be the label and the link text for the field ? For now, I'm setting the label as "Transactions" and link text as "Click Here". Below is the preview of how it appears -


The link will take the user to a new tab and opens the subscription's transactions in the Chargify account itself.

Please provide your feedback.

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago

@udayapitchika Thanks for taking putting some energy into this. Because this link does not contain any practical information about the subscription, I feel like it does not belong in such a prominent location.

What do you think about a full width row at the bottom of the table with a centered link that says View Transactions?

screen shot 2016-10-18 at 7 56 28 pm

    <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">
        <a href="#">View Transactions</a>

The above example does not have the handlerbars code to place the url and also includes inline CSS. Perhaps you can improve upon that a bit?

udayapitchika commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @stevenmaguire. I really appreciate it.

I agree with you on the point that it doesn't belong on the top. I can update the handlebars code and improve the css.

stevenmaguire commented 7 years ago has been cut which addresses this issue. Thanks @udayapitchika!