Do we have any user requirements for CSI Driver for PowerStore? Admin works, but customer is requesting bare minimal rights.
Checked Jira's and Doc and no available information for this.
I am looking for a role on PowerStore which grant bare minimal rights to fulfill the bellow needs.
Service User has access to manage the dedicated NAS server only.
All volume activity for the dedicated NAS server
All snapshot activity for the dedicated NAS server
Anything else what is required for Dell CSI
Pods show the following event: failed to provision volume with StorageClass "xxxxxxxxx-k8s-dv04-256": rpc error: code = Internal desc = You do not have the required authorization to perform this operation.
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Do we have any user requirements for CSI Driver for PowerStore? Admin works, but customer is requesting bare minimal rights. Checked Jira's and Doc and no available information for this.
I am looking for a role on PowerStore which grant bare minimal rights to fulfill the bellow needs.
Pods show the following event: failed to provision volume with StorageClass "xxxxxxxxx-k8s-dv04-256": rpc error: code = Internal desc = You do not have the required authorization to perform this operation.