Closed Kdy77k closed 3 years ago
Hi @Kdy77k
Sorry about the late reply, was waiting for responses from internal teams at Dell. On iDRAC 7/8 using SimpleUpdate with TransferProtocol, auth(basic and digest) is not supported when using HTTP, reason for the RED050 error. iDRAC9 does support HTTP with digest auth but if using iDRAC 7/8, you can only use HTTP with no auth. I'm still working with internal teams to see if HTTP auth support will get added to a future iDRAC 7/8 release, will let you know once i find out.
Hi @Kdy77k
Found out there are no future plans to add HTTP auth support to iDRAC 7/8. If you're unable to use HTTP with no auth as a workaround, you'll need to escalate this concern to Dell tech support team which this will go through the issue escalation process.
@texroemer Thank you for your reply.
Hi @Kdy77k
Latest iDRAC9 (4.40) does support HTTP / HTTPS with digest auth (basic auth is blocked and not supported due to not being secured).
As of now, there are no future plans to add HTTPS support to iDRAC8.
Thank you so much. :)
No problem, glad to help.
I use the following post command to update firmware and get command to track the progress of provisioning:
post { "ImageURI":"http://abc:123@", "TransferProtocol":"HTTP" } or { "ImageURI":"", "TransferProtocol":"HTTP", "UserName":"abc", "Password":"123" }
{ "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Task.Task", "": "/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/JID_171396510696", "@odata.type": "#Task.v1_1_1.Task", "Description": "Server Configuration and other Tasks running on iDRAC are listed here", "EndTime": "2021-03-30T16:27:47-05:00", "Id": "JID_171396510696", "Messages": [ { "Message": "The specified user credentials necessary for downloading an update package were not correct.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageArgs@odata.count": 0, "MessageId": "RED050" } ], "Messages@odata.count": 1, "Name": "Firmware Update: Generic", "Oem": { "Dell": { "@odata.type": "#DellJob.v1_0_1.DellJob", "CompletionTime": "2021-03-30T16:27:47", "Description": "Job Instance", "EndTime": null, "Id": "JID_171396510696", "JobState": "Completed", "JobType": "FirmwareUpdate", "Message": "The specified user credentials necessary for downloading an update package were not correct.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "RED050", "Name": "Firmware Update: Generic", "PercentComplete": 0, "StartTime": "TIME_NOW", "TargetSettingsURI": null } }, "StartTime": "", "TaskState": "Completed", "TaskStatus": "Critical" } The credentials for image http server ( are correct. But why the Idrac server always returns error code "RED050"