dell / iDRAC-Redfish-Scripting

Python and PowerShell scripting for Dell EMC PowerEdge iDRAC REST API with DMTF Redfish
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x-auth-token header difference between 9 and 7/8? #169

Closed capriguy84 closed 3 years ago

capriguy84 commented 3 years ago

(This issue is not related to the python script in repo, but rather trying to reproduce the same in Ocaml.)

I am having a weird issue where I can create X-auth-token in idrac v7,8 but NOT in v9. I get below error in idrac9. I tried different Http libraries in Ocaml including (Cohttp and (Httpaf) but all are returning the same error. I kept minimal header info but still same error.

FTR, I am using the new updated uri '/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions' on idrac9. In fact, I am querying /redfish/v1/SessionService and getting the sessions/ for right uri for each idrac version. It's different for idrac7,8.

I am passing username and password in payload and using no authentcation in headers. Seems right as per the python example here. Am I missing anything?

    "error": { 
        "code": "Base.1.0.GeneralError",
        "message": "A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information.",
        "@Message.ExtendedInfo": { 
            "@odata.type": "gMessage.v1_0_0.Message",
            "MessageId": "Base.1.0.InternalError",
            "Message": "internal error, Unacceptable header specified in request"
Response Headers after failure:
 (status_code (406))
     (((encoding (Fixed 389))
        ((accept-ranges bytes) (content-length 389)
         (content-type application/json)
         (date "Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:21:33 GMT")
         (etag "\"185-5b55b1c5c0d80\"")
         (last-modified "Mon, 30 Nov 2020 23:10:06 GMT") (server Apache)
          "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload")
         (www-authenticate "Basic realm=\"RedfishService\"")
         (x-frame-options DENY)))
       (version HTTP_1_1) (status Not_acceptable) (flush false))))


texroemer commented 3 years ago

Hi @capriguy84

Starting in Redfish version 1.6, the Session URI location changed. In 1.6, the URI location changed to "redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions". If using any Redfish version older than 1.6, the URI location is "redfish/v1/Sessions".

To check Redfish version for iDRAC installed, run GET on uri "redfish/v1/?$select=RedfishVersion".

I updated script "CreateXAuthTokenSessionREDFISH" to pass in the correct URI passed off the Redfish version detected for iDRAC.

Thanks Tex

capriguy84 commented 3 years ago

I am using the right uri as you mentioned and get the error. Does the error message "unacceptable header specified in " ring any thing familar w.r.t redfish version changes in 1.6?

texroemer commented 3 years ago

I've been trying to repro the error you hit but unable to. Can you send me your python code?

Also did you try GitHub script and it also failed?

capriguy84 commented 3 years ago

I am building similar python script in Ocaml, and was wondering why it doesn't work uniformly on idrac7/8 vs 9. I couldn't reproduce with the python script but asked the question anyway, hoping to get some pointers.

After reading thru the Redfish 1.6 spec and change log, I added additional header field ("Accept" "application/json") and that fixed my issue with idrac 9. Thanks for mentioning about the version change between the idracs.

(please mark issue as resolved)