Closed stranger12345678 closed 3 years ago
Hi @stranger12345678
For stripe size, you need to pass in the value in bytes, not kilobytes. The script help text was incorrect which i have updated. See example below of creating a VD with stripe size 64KB, i passed in the value 65536 bytes.
C:\Python39> -ip -u root -p calvin -C RAID.Slot.5-1 -V y -D Disk.Bay.1:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Slot.5-1,Disk.Bay.3:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Slot.5-1 -R 0 --stripesize 65536
- PASS: POST command passed to create "RAID0" virtual disk, status code 202 returned
- PASS, "realtime" JID_328112040439 jid successfully created for create virtual disk
- PASS, realtime jid "JID_328112040439" successfully created. Server will apply the configuration changes in real time, no server reboot needed
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "1"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "99"
- INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress.", percent complete: "99"
--- PASS, Final Detailed Job Status Results ---
ActualRunningStartTime: 2021-09-28T01:40:04
ActualRunningStopTime: 2021-09-28T01:41:26
CompletionTime: 2021-09-28T01:41:26
Description: Job Instance
EndTime: TIME_NA
Id: JID_328112040439
JobState: Completed
JobType: RealTimeNoRebootConfiguration
Message: Job completed successfully.
MessageId: PR19
Name: Configure: RAID.Slot.5-1
PercentComplete: 100
StartTime: 2021-09-28T01:40:04
C:\Python39> -ip -u root -p calvin -vv RAID.Slot.5-1
- Volume(s) detected for RAID.Slot.5-1 controller -
- Detailed Volume information for Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1 -
@Redfish.Settings: {'@odata.context': '/redfish/v1/$metadata#Settings.Settings', '@odata.type': '#Settings.v1_3_0.Settings', 'SettingsObject': {'': '/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1/Settings'}, 'SupportedApplyTimes': ['Immediate', 'OnReset', 'AtMaintenanceWindowStart', 'InMaintenanceWindowOnReset']}
@odata.context: /redfish/v1/$metadata#Volume.Volume /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1
@odata.type: #Volume.v1_4_0.Volume
Actions: {'#Volume.CheckConsistency': {'@Redfish.OperationApplyTimeSupport': {'@odata.type': '#Settings.v1_3_0.OperationApplyTimeSupport', 'SupportedValues': ['Immediate', 'OnReset']}, 'target': '/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1/Actions/Volume.CheckConsistency'}, '#Volume.Initialize': {'@Redfish.OperationApplyTimeSupport': {'@odata.type': '#Settings.v1_3_0.OperationApplyTimeSupport', 'SupportedValues': ['Immediate', 'OnReset']}, 'InitializeType@Redfish.AllowableValues': ['Fast', 'Slow'], 'target': '/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1/Actions/Volume.Initialize'}}
BlockSizeBytes: 512
CapacityBytes: 8000450330624
Description: Virtual Disk 1 on RAID Controller in Slot 5
Encrypted: False
EncryptionTypes: ['NativeDriveEncryption']
EncryptionTypes@odata.count: 1
Id: Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1
Identifiers: []
Identifiers@odata.count: 0
Links: {'Drives': [{'': '/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Drives/Disk.Bay.1:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Slot.5-1'}, {'': '/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Drives/Disk.Bay.3:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Slot.5-1'}], 'Drives@odata.count': 2}
Name: Virtual Disk 1
@odata.context: /redfish/v1/$metadata#DellVirtualDisk.DellVirtualDisk /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1/Oem/Dell/DellVolumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1
@odata.type: #DellVirtualDisk.v1_2_0.DellVirtualDisk
BusProtocol: SAS
Cachecade: NonCachecadeVD
Description: An instance of DellVirtualDisk will have data specific to the Virtual Disks in the system.
DiskCachePolicy: Disabled
Id: Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1
LastSystemInventoryTime: 2021-08-21T02:26:56+00:00
LastUpdateTime: 2021-08-20T19:26:01+00:00
LockStatus: Unlocked
MediaType: HardDiskDrive
Name: DellVirtualDisk
ObjectStatus: Current
OperationName: None
OperationPercentComplete: 0
PrimaryStatus: OK
RaidStatus: Online
ReadCachePolicy: ReadAhead
RemainingRedundancy: 0
SpanDepth: 1
SpanLength: 2
StartingLBAinBlocks: 0
**StripeSize: 64KB**
T10PIStatus: Disabled
VirtualDiskTargetID: 1
WriteCachePolicy: WriteBack
Operations: []
Operations@odata.count: 0
OptimumIOSizeBytes: 65536
Health: OK
HealthRollup: OK
State: Enabled
VolumeType: NonRedundant
Thanks @texroemer That worked.
Hi @texroemer Also while exporting config using, it says stripesize is 128, even though actual stripe size is 64KB. And 128 too comes as commented and don't see any other field in the exported config, which says stripesize is 64
cat /tmp/export | grep StripeSize
<!-- <Attribute Name="StripeSize">128</Attribute>-->
<!-- <Attribute Name="StripeSize">128</Attribute>-->
Exporting server configuration profile (SCP feature), VD stripesize value will always report double of the actual value, reason you see 128 for 64kb. If you want to create a 64KB VD using SCP, you will need to pass in a value of 128 for StripeSize.
Here are the converted values which this attribute is pulled from WSMAN.
C:\Python39>winrm g -u:root -p:calvin -r: -SkipCNcheck -SkipCAcheck -encoding:utf-8 -a:basic -SkipRevocationCheck
AttributeName = RAIDStripeSize
CurrentValue = 128(64 KB)
FQDD = Disk.Virtual.0:RAID.SL.8-1
InstanceID = Disk.Virtual.0:RAID.SL.8-1:RAIDStripeSize
IsReadOnly = true
PendingValue = null
PossibleValues = 0, 1(512 Bytes), 2(1 KB), 4(2 KB), 8(4 KB), 16(8 KB), 32(16 KB), 64(32 KB), 128(64 KB), 256(128 KB), 512(256 KB), 1024(512 KB), 2048(1024 KB), 4096(2048 KB), 8192(4096 KB), 16384(8192 KB), 32768(16384 KB)
Thanks @texroemer. Tried with 256 as well and its displays 512.
I get the following error, while trying to use stripesize argument. Without stripesize arg, it goes well. -ip xx.xx.xx.xx -u admin -p xxxxxx --name VD3 --stripesize 64 -C RAID.Slot.5-1 -D Disk.Bay.3:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Slot.5-1 -R 0 -V y
FAIL, POST command failed, status code is 400
POST command failure is: {u'error': {u'code': u'Base.1.2.GeneralError', u'message': u'A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information', u'@Message.ExtendedInfo': [{u'Severity': u'Warning', u'RelatedProperties': [], u'MessageId': u'IDRAC.1.6.SYS425', u'MessageArgs@odata.count': 2, u'RelatedProperties@odata.count': 0, u'Message': u'Unable to complete the operation because the value 64 entered for the property OptimumIOSizeBytes is invalid.', u'Resolution': u"Enter a valid value for the property in the request body and retry the operation.For information about valid values, see the iDRAC User's Guide available on the support site.", u'MessageArgs': [u'64', u'OptimumIOSizeBytes']}]}}
64 is a valid stripesize, also tried other values like 256, 512. All throws same error.