Closed stranger12345678 closed 3 years ago
Hi @stranger12345678
This was an old script bug which has been resolved but newer version was never uploaded to GitHub. I've uploaded new version (version 5), can you try that version and see if issue has been resolved.
Hi @texroemer Tested version 5 as well, it still doesn't work
Using a browser session, can you run GET on URI "/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1", see if it returns the target URI for action "Volume.Initialize"?
Can you also tell me what iDRAC version you're using and PERC controller?
The above URI didn't work, but it worked when I Removed the Controller RAID.Slot.5-1 from URI: https://idrac_ip/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.0:RAID.Slot.5-1
And I made this change in, and VD initialize worked :)
< url = 'https://%s/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Volumes/%s/Actions/Volume.Initialize' % (idrac_ip, virtual_disk)
> url = 'https://%s/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/%s/Volumes/%s/Actions/Volume.Initialize' % (idrac_ip, controller, virtual_disk)
python $args -V Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1 --init Fast
PASS: POST command passed to Fast initialize "Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1" virtual disk, status code 202 returned
PASS, "realtime" JID_333545656301 jid successfully created for initialize virtual disk
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
INFO, JobStatus not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
--- PASS, Final Detailed Job Status Results ---
JobState: Completed Description: Job Instance CompletionTime: 2021-10-04T06:37:26 PercentComplete: 100 StartTime: TIME_NOW MessageId: PR19 Message: Job completed successfully. EndTime: TIME_NA Id: JID_333545656301 JobType: RealTimeNoRebootConfiguration Name: Config:RAID:RAID.Slot.5-1
Can you let me know which iDRAC version you're using?
its version 9 And controller PERC H730P
Can you run GET on URI "redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1?$select=FirmwareVersion" to get iDRAC firmware version?
Thanks. 3.36 iDRAC was not DMTF compliant and wasn't using the correct URI structure for init VD. Latest iDRAC 9 version posted on Dell support is 5.00.00 which does use the correct URI structure. If you have to use 3.36 version, you'll need to modify the script as you already did to get it passing.
sure, thanks..
./ $args -v RAID.Slot.5-1
Disk.Virtual.0:RAID.Slot.5-1, Volume Type: NonRedundant Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1, Volume Type: NonRedundant Disk.Virtual.2:RAID.Slot.5-1, Volume Type: NonRedundant Disk.Virtual.3:RAID.Slot.5-1, Volume Type: NonRedundant
./ $args -V Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1 --init Slow
FAIL, POST command failed, status code is 404
POST command failure is: {u'error': {u'code': u'Base.1.2.GeneralError', u'message': u'A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information', u'@Message.ExtendedInfo': [{u'Severity': u'Critical', u'RelatedProperties': [], u'MessageId': u'IDRAC.1.6.SYS403', u'MessageArgs@odata.count': 1, u'RelatedProperties@odata.count': 0, u'Message': u'Unable to complete the operation because the resource /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1/Actions/Volume.Initialize entered in not found.', u'Resolution': u'Enter the correct resource and retry the operation. For information about valid resource, see the Redfish Users Guide available on the support site.', u'MessageArgs': [u'/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1/Actions/Volume.Initialize']}, {u'Severity': u'Critical', u'RelatedProperties': [u''], u'MessageId': u'Base.1.2.ResourceMissingAtURI', u'MessageArgs@odata.count': 1, u'RelatedProperties@odata.count': 1, u'Message': u'The resource at the URI /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1/Actions/Volume.Initialize was not found.', u'Resolution': u'Place a valid resource at the URI or correct the URI and resubmit the request.', u'MessageArgs': [u'/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/RAID.Slot.5-1/Volumes/Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Slot.5-1/Actions/Volume.Initialize']}]}}