Closed b4ldr closed 2 years ago
Hi @b4ldr
What type of RAID level is this disk assigned to? This feature only works on RAID levels which support fault tolerance. See example below where i bring a disk offline which is part of a RAID 1.
C:\Python310>python -ip -u root -p calvin --get-virtualdisks RAID.Mezzanine.1-1
- Volume(s) detected for RAID.Mezzanine.1-1 controller -
Disk.Virtual.0:RAID.Mezzanine.1-1, Volume type: NonRedundant
Disk.Virtual.1:RAID.Mezzanine.1-1, Volume type: Mirrored
C:\Python310>python -ip -u root -p calvin --disk-fqdd Disk.Bay.9:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Mezzanine.1-1 --convert offline
- PASS, POST command passed for ChangePDState action
- INFO, Job ID JID_690952012885 successfully created to change disk "Disk.Bay.9:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Mezzanine.1-1" to "offline"
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
- INFO, job status not completed, current status: "Job in progress."
--- PASS, Final Detailed Job Status Results ---
@odata.context: /redfish/v1/$metadata#DellJob.DellJob /redfish/v1/Managers/1/Oem/Dell/Jobs/JID_690952012885
@odata.type: #DellJob.v1_2_0.DellJob
ActualRunningStartTime: 2022-11-21T23:33:22
ActualRunningStopTime: 2022-11-21T23:34:44
CompletionTime: 2022-11-21T23:34:44
Description: Job Instance
EndTime: TIME_NA
Id: JID_690952012885
JobState: Completed
JobType: RealTimeNoRebootConfiguration
Message: Job completed successfully.
MessageArgs: []
MessageArgs@odata.count: 0
MessageId: PR19
Name: Configure: RAID.Mezzanine.1-1
PercentComplete: 100
StartTime: 2022-11-21T23:33:21
TargetSettingsURI: None
What type of RAID level is this disk assigned to? This feature only works on RAID levels which support fault tolerance.
Ahh i see that's the problem then. theses disks are all configured as NoneRaid to act in a JBOD fashion. i wanted to have some way to disable the disk in such away that it is not visible to the OS.
ill close this as invalid but if you have pointers on some action i could do to achieve the above that would be great :)
Currently not supported from iDRAC, a way to disable non RAID drive but i'll escalate this request to iDRAC internal team at Dell, see if there are any future plans to add this support.
For a way to achieve this ask now could be to SSH to the OS and then run commands locally to bring a drive offline.
thanks for the confirmation that this is not the right way to go, will explore other solutions for now
I have attempted to use this script to try and ofline a disk however i get the following error message
The disk in questions is configured as follows. Are you able to provide any pointers on what i may be doing wrong.