### [`v1.23.0`](
We're so proud to announce the next upcoming stable release of detekt: 1.23.0 🚀
This release is coming with 25 new rules and much more.
We moved the detekt-compiler-plugin to the main repo, and you can now use it in your builds [following the official documentation](
This release also marks the beginning of development of 2.x from the main branch! [You can follow the progress here](
We want to take the opportunity to thank [our Sponsors]( and our Contributors for testing, bug reporting and helping us release this new version of Detekt. You're more than welcome to join our community on the [#detekt]( channel on KotlinLang's Slack (you can [get an invite here](
##### Notable Changes
- This is the first version of Detekt that ships with the `detekt-compiler-plugin`. The [Detekt Compiler plugin]( is still experimental, but we're moving it closer to Detekt to make it easier to integrate. From now on the compiler plugin will follow the same versioning schema as Detekt. We invite you to try it and provide feedback till we stabilize it. You can read more about it in the [official documentation page]( - [#5492](
- We added **25** new Rules to detekt
- `BracesOnIfStatements` - [#5700](
- `BracesOnWhenStatements` - [#5838](
- `CastNullableToNonNullableType` - [#5653](
- `DoubleNegativeLambda` - [#5937](
- `ForbiddenAnnotation` - [#5515](
- `PropertyUsedBeforeDeclaration` - [#6062](
- `StringShouldBeRawString` - [#5705](
- `SuspendFunSwallowedCancellation` - [#5666](
- `UnusedParameter` - [#5722](
- `UnusedPrivateProperty` - [#5722](
- `UseLet` - [#6091](
- `UnnecessaryBracesAroundTrailingLambda` - [#6029](
- Plus the bump to KtLint 0.49.1 added the following rules to the `detekt-formatting` ruleset:
- `ClassName` - [#6037](
- `EnumWrapping` - [#6028](
- `FunctionName` - [#6037](
- `IfElseBracing` - [#6028](
- `IfElseWrapping` - [#6028](
- `MultilineExpressionWrapping` - [#6028](
- `NoBlankLineInList` - [#6028](
- `NoConsecutiveComments` - [#6028](
- `NoEmptyFirstLineInClassBody` - [#6028](
- `NoSingleLineBlockCommentRule` - [#6104](
- `ParameterWrapping` - [#6028](
- `PropertyName` - [#6037](
- `PropertyWrapping` - [#6028](
- `StringTemplateIndent` - [#6028](
- `TryCatchFinallySpacing` - [#6028](
- Notable changes to existing rules:
- `UnnecessaryAbstractClass` now only runs with type resolution - [#5829](
- `UnusedPrivateMember` has been refactored with some of its logic moved to `UnusedParameter` and `UnusedPrivateProperty` - [#5722](
- Removed the `ignoreOverridden` config from `BooleanPropertyNaming`, `ConstructorParameterNaming`, `FunctionNaming`, `VariableNaming` and `FunctionParameterNaming` as not useful for those rules - [#5718](
- Added `ignoredSubjectTypes` to rule `ElseCaseInsteadOfExhaustiveWhen` to specify types that should be ignored by the rule ([#5623]( - [#5634](
- Added `allowOperators` to rule `DataClassContainsFunctions` - [#5658](
- `MandatoryBracesIfStatements` has been removed in favor of `BracesOnIfStatements` - [#5700](
- Added `ignoreWhenContainingVariableDeclaration` to `UseIfInsteadOfWhen` to ignore captured variables - [#5681](
- Several rules in the `detekt-formatting` ruleset now accepts an `indentSize` parameter (see the [full list here](
- We followed the KtLint decisions on turning on some rules by default, so several rules in the `detekt-formatting` ruleset are now turned on by default (see the [full list here](
- We added support for Gradle's Worker API inside Detekt Gradle Plugin, for faster execution on bigger projects. - [#4128](
- We fixed the `includes`/`excludes` logic on the config file as they were overriding each other - [#5782](
- We fully removed support for Spek from `detekt-test-utils`. The recommended testing framework is JUnit - [#5785](
- The minimum supported Gradle version is now `v6.8.3` - [#5616](
- This version of detekt is built with Gradle `v8.1`, AGP `8.0.1`, Kotlin `1.8.21` and KtLint `0.49.1` (see [#5893]( [#5723]( [#5877]( [#6028]( [#6043]( [#5995]( [#5996](
- We now added a [Code of Conduct]( to our repo. Please read it and follow it when interacting with our community on our channels.
##### Changelog
- SerialVersionUIDInSerializableClass - Update the error location - [#6114](
- Reduce LoopWithTooManyJumpStatements finding scope - [#6110](
- Add alias for SuspendFunWithCoroutineScopeReceiver - [#6089](
- CastNullableToNonNullableType - Check the SimpleType instead of typeElement - [#6071](
- Update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.13.1 - [#6069](
- CanBeNonNullable: Check parent condition for checking if nullability info is used or not - [#6064](
- Add configuration to add alternate trimming methods - [#6063](
- Check if property is documented at class header - [#6061](
- OutdatedDocumentation - Check if only public property is documented - [#6057](
- UnnecessaryLet: fix false positive in call chains - [#6052](
- Add `comments` with a list of regexes to `ForbiddenComment` - [#5981](
- Fix incomplete `requireRootInDeclaration` check in `InvalidPackageDeclaration` - [#6045](
- BracesOnWhenStatements: fix false positive for necessary braces - [#6042](
- Fix redundant ClassOrdering violations using maximum increasing section - [#6003](
- UseIsNullOrEmpty: fix false negative with chained call - [#6027](
- Create docs for Gradle Worker API - [#6016](
- Compile compiler plugin against kotlin-compiler-embeddable - [#6012](
- Update intro.mdx to use setFrom() on detekt config - [#6010](
- Use `` instead of `` - [#6006](
- Implement parentPath accessor in concrete config implementations - [#6002](
- Increase ALIASES_LIMIT to 100 for YamlConfig - [#5986](
- Fix elvis to +/- case in case UnnecessaryParentheses when precedence is unclear - [#5983](
- jdkHome as [@Internal]( - [#5978](
- Fix broken POM file for detetk-compiler-plugin - [#5971](
- Fix broken publishToMavenLocal - [#5970](
- Add `allowOmitUnit` to rule `LibraryCodeMustSpecifyReturnType` - [#5861](
- Remove dependency that creates a cycle. - [#5777](
- Update dependency org.jetbrains:annotations to v24 - [#5969](
- Update github/codeql-action digest to [`8c8d71d`]( - [#5966](
- Add functions to ExitOutsideMain rule - [#5963](
- Update - [#5954](
- Prevent import statements from counting as references for UnusedPrivateProperty - [#5942](
- Fix ExpressionBodySyntax not checking property getters/setters - [#5938](
- Improve correctness of UnusedPrivateProperty - [#5935](
- Fix documentation for deprecated 'reports' object (Issue [#5908]( - [#5924](
- Print file path report as link file - [#5921](
- "detekt" or "Detekt" - [#5898](
- Update JSON schema URL - [#5881](
- Add support for local suppression inside formatting - [#5876](
- Fix checkExhaustiveness for formatting and third party rules - [#5869](
- Allow newline style for MaxChainedCallsOnSameLine - [#5865](
- Declare inputs and outputs to support incremental build for testPluginKotlinc - [#5862](
- Use code syntax for `Unit` for ImplicitUnitReturnType rule - [#5857](
- MatchingDeclarationName. KtFilesSpec also remove .common.kt suffix from kotlin files - [#5851](
- Fix double mutability issues with Gradle plugin's use of ConfigurableFileCollection - [#5850](
- MagicNumber - Make ignoreNamedArgument catch more complex expression - [#5837](
- Exclude super call when generating guard clauses - [#5835](
- Enable test retry for all our modules - [#5825](
- Stop configuring report merge tasks while configuring Detekt tasks - [#5813](
- FunctionMatcher support for fully qualified function names - [#5812](
- Boy Scout - [#5808](
- Simplify `TestConfig` usages - [#5801](
- Reduce configuration of UnusedPrivateMember's split rules - [#5800](
- Force SerialVerionUID to be private - [#5798](
- Exclude the KMP test folders for android - [#5797](
- Add aliases for PackageNaming and InvalidPackageDeclaration - [#5795](
- Forbid using Jupiter Kotlin assertions - [#5794](
- ModifierOrder: fix false positive with block comments - [#5791](
- Fixed ProtectedMemberInFinalClass rule reporting valid JVM finalize - [#5788](
- Remove unnecessary usage of BeforeAll in tests - [#5781](
- Run Kotlin compiler plugin CLI test as part of standard build - [#5766](
- Refactor to remove java.util.Array\* imports - [#5761](
- Replace java.util.Stack with Kotlin's ArrayDeque implementation - [#5760](
- Replace java.time.Duration with kotlin.time.Duration - [#5759](
- Add NixOS installation method to doc - [#5757](
- Remove & forbid usage of - [#5756](
- Use stdlib functions for file & path operations - [#5754](
- Enable UnnecessaryBackticks in detekt project - [#5753](
- Update docusaurus monorepo to v2.3.1 - [#5752](
- Resolve runtime classpaths consistently with compile classpaths - [#5730](
- Exclude new Kotlin Test directories in default config - [#5727](
- Fail when unexpected version of kotlin-compiler-embeddable is on runtime classpath - [#5726](
- Fix IgnoredReturnValue rule crash in parallel mode - [#5724](
- Use `name` that return name after backticks - [#5719](
- UnusedPrivateMember - Fix false positive in case of invoke operator - [#5717](
- Fix false positive for `CanBeNonNullable` rule - [#5714](
- IgnoredReturnValue: fix false negative when annotation is on the package - [#5706](
- Check Thread.sleep for block expression - [#5699](
- Fix false positive of in UnnecessaryParentheses - [#5684](
- Fix url and kotlin reference support in kdoc - [#5683](
- Add config for variable expression in when - [#5681](
- Enable NoSemicolons rule - [#5663](
- Use correct resolvable/consumable flags on detekt's configurations - [#5657](
- Prepare for Gradle 8 - [#5656](
- ExplicitCollectionElementAccessMethod rule update - [#5654](
- Cast nullable to non nullable type - [#5653](
- Enable verbose mode for Codecov GH Action - [#5652](
- Fail build when issues found with JVM target compatibility of related compile tasks - [#5651](
- Don't silently use Kotlin compiler fallback strategy - [#5650](
- Documentation tweaks - [#5639](
- Have consistent compile-test-snippets between project and system property - [#5630](
- Exclude operator functions in function min/max length - [#5618](
- Broken link at EmptyFunctionBlock - [#5604](
- Update rule description for errorprone rules - [#5603](
- FunctionMaxLength false positive for overridden methods [#5590]( - [#5599](
- Report proper code position in `MaxLineLength` - [#5583](
- Allow access to nonpublic members of public types in java.base/java.lang package - [#5579](
- NonBooleanPropertyPrefixedWithIs: Allow AtomicBoolean - [#5577](
- Pass compilation output classes to detekt analysis classpath - [#5556](
- Fix KDocReferencesNonPublicProperty false positive - [#5534](
##### Dependency Updates
- Update dependency io.github.detekt.sarif4k:sarif4k to v0.4.0 - [#6113](
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.7.1 - [#6097](
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.7.0 - [#6074](
- Update - [#6065](
- Update JaCoCo to v0.8.10 - [#6044](
- Update plugin pluginPublishing to v1.2.0 - [#5975](
- Update ktlint to v0.48.1 - [#5661](
- Update dependency to v7.4.0 - [#5693](
- JaCoCo 0.8.9 - [#5959](
- Update dependency com.github.tschuchortdev:kotlin-compile-testing to v1.5.0 - [#5882](
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.dokka to v1.8.10 - [#5878](
- Compile detekt-compiler-plugin against standard Kotlin compiler artifact - [#5765](
- Migrate to SnakeYAML Engine - [#5751](
- Update kotlin monorepo to v1.8.10 - [#5745](
- Update ktlint to v0.48.0 - [#5625](
- Migrate to Gradle Nexus Publish Plugin - [#5554](
- Update dependency io.github.detekt.sarif4k:sarif4k to v0.2.0 - [#5496](
##### Housekeeping & Refactorings
- Inline Cases enum and inline other external test code into the test classes - [#6107](
- Update codecov/codecov-action digest to [`eaaf4be`]( - [#6102](
- Remove unnecessary baselines - [#6092](
- Remove unused `dependenciesAsNames` - [#6059](
- Reduce eager POM task creation - [#6041](
- Improve our configuration of `ClassNaming` and `FunctionNaming` - [#6019](
- Comment text in the Issue/PR Template - [#5992](
- Fix typo: Github -> GitHub - [#5956](
- Review all Detekt and Detekt Gradle Plugin usages. - [#5955](
- Review all Detekt and Detekt Gradle Plugin usages. - [#5953](
- Add a test for catching undocumented public interfaces - [#5951](
- Execute tests in parallel - [#5944](
- Make GeneratorSpec use resources - [#5932](
- Cleanup detekt-formatting to use detekt's own assertThat function - [#5911](
- Stale any issue with support tag in one month - [#5904](
- Remove instances of double mutability - [#5899](
- Handle todo in LinesOfCode logic - [#5897](
- Boy scout - `detekt-generator` - [#5854](
- Tweak GHA configs a bit - [#5852](
- Create `generateWebsite` - [#5849](
- Remove dependency between check and jacocoMergedReport - [#5846](
- Sort deprecation properties - [#5845](
- Simplify generate documentation - [#5844](
- Remove unnecessary `@Suppress("ReturnCount")` - [#5841](
- Cleaner merging of Gradle blocks for functionalTests - [#5830](
- Replace trimMargin usages - [#5827](
- Disable PTS from local and enable it for PRs - [#5826](
- Activate MultilineRawStringIndentation on detekt - [#5819](
- Remove single-use `times` method, use stdlib's `repeat` instead. - [#5774](
- Remove redundant build config - [#5617](
- Migrate to AGP namespaces - [#5569](
- Fix typo - [#5557](
##### Contributors
We would like to thank the following contributors that made this release possible: [@3flex](, [@BeBAKE](, [@BraisGabin](, [@Goooler](, [@SaumyaBhushan](, [@TWiStErRob](, [@VitalyVPinchuk](, [@adef145](, [@asomov](, [@atulgpt](, [@chao2zhang](, [@cketti](, [@cortinico](, [@drawers](, [@dzirbel](, [@igorwojda](, [@lexa-diky](, [@luanpotter](, [@marschwar](, [@mjovanc](, [@mmorozkov](, [@ncteisen](, [@osipxd](, [@ov7a](, [@schalkms](, [@t-kameyama](, [@tresni](
See all issues at: [1.23.0](
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
### [`v1.23.0`]( We're so proud to announce the next upcoming stable release of detekt: 1.23.0 🚀 This release is coming with 25 new rules and much more. We moved the detekt-compiler-plugin to the main repo, and you can now use it in your builds [following the official documentation]( This release also marks the beginning of development of 2.x from the main branch! [You can follow the progress here]( We want to take the opportunity to thank [our Sponsors]( and our Contributors for testing, bug reporting and helping us release this new version of Detekt. You're more than welcome to join our community on the [#detekt]( channel on KotlinLang's Slack (you can [get an invite here]( ##### Notable Changes - This is the first version of Detekt that ships with the `detekt-compiler-plugin`. The [Detekt Compiler plugin]( is still experimental, but we're moving it closer to Detekt to make it easier to integrate. From now on the compiler plugin will follow the same versioning schema as Detekt. We invite you to try it and provide feedback till we stabilize it. You can read more about it in the [official documentation page]( - [#5492]( - We added **25** new Rules to detekt - `BracesOnIfStatements` - [#5700]( - `BracesOnWhenStatements` - [#5838]( - `CastNullableToNonNullableType` - [#5653]( - `DoubleNegativeLambda` - [#5937]( - `ForbiddenAnnotation` - [#5515]( - `PropertyUsedBeforeDeclaration` - [#6062]( - `StringShouldBeRawString` - [#5705]( - `SuspendFunSwallowedCancellation` - [#5666]( - `UnusedParameter` - [#5722]( - `UnusedPrivateProperty` - [#5722]( - `UseLet` - [#6091]( - `UnnecessaryBracesAroundTrailingLambda` - [#6029]( - Plus the bump to KtLint 0.49.1 added the following rules to the `detekt-formatting` ruleset: - `ClassName` - [#6037]( - `EnumWrapping` - [#6028]( - `FunctionName` - [#6037]( - `IfElseBracing` - [#6028]( - `IfElseWrapping` - [#6028]( - `MultilineExpressionWrapping` - [#6028]( - `NoBlankLineInList` - [#6028]( - `NoConsecutiveComments` - [#6028]( - `NoEmptyFirstLineInClassBody` - [#6028]( - `NoSingleLineBlockCommentRule` - [#6104]( - `ParameterWrapping` - [#6028]( - `PropertyName` - [#6037]( - `PropertyWrapping` - [#6028]( - `StringTemplateIndent` - [#6028]( - `TryCatchFinallySpacing` - [#6028]( - Notable changes to existing rules: - `UnnecessaryAbstractClass` now only runs with type resolution - [#5829]( - `UnusedPrivateMember` has been refactored with some of its logic moved to `UnusedParameter` and `UnusedPrivateProperty` - [#5722]( - Removed the `ignoreOverridden` config from `BooleanPropertyNaming`, `ConstructorParameterNaming`, `FunctionNaming`, `VariableNaming` and `FunctionParameterNaming` as not useful for those rules - [#5718]( - Added `ignoredSubjectTypes` to rule `ElseCaseInsteadOfExhaustiveWhen` to specify types that should be ignored by the rule ([#5623]( - [#5634]( - Added `allowOperators` to rule `DataClassContainsFunctions` - [#5658]( - `MandatoryBracesIfStatements` has been removed in favor of `BracesOnIfStatements` - [#5700]( - Added `ignoreWhenContainingVariableDeclaration` to `UseIfInsteadOfWhen` to ignore captured variables - [#5681]( - Several rules in the `detekt-formatting` ruleset now accepts an `indentSize` parameter (see the [full list here]( - We followed the KtLint decisions on turning on some rules by default, so several rules in the `detekt-formatting` ruleset are now turned on by default (see the [full list here]( - We added support for Gradle's Worker API inside Detekt Gradle Plugin, for faster execution on bigger projects. - [#4128]( - We fixed the `includes`/`excludes` logic on the config file as they were overriding each other - [#5782]( - We fully removed support for Spek from `detekt-test-utils`. The recommended testing framework is JUnit - [#5785]( - The minimum supported Gradle version is now `v6.8.3` - [#5616]( - This version of detekt is built with Gradle `v8.1`, AGP `8.0.1`, Kotlin `1.8.21` and KtLint `0.49.1` (see [#5893]( [#5723]( [#5877]( [#6028]( [#6043]( [#5995]( [#5996]( - We now added a [Code of Conduct]( to our repo. Please read it and follow it when interacting with our community on our channels. ##### Changelog - SerialVersionUIDInSerializableClass - Update the error location - [#6114]( - Reduce LoopWithTooManyJumpStatements finding scope - [#6110]( - Add alias for SuspendFunWithCoroutineScopeReceiver - [#6089]( - CastNullableToNonNullableType - Check the SimpleType instead of typeElement - [#6071]( - Update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.13.1 - [#6069]( - CanBeNonNullable: Check parent condition for checking if nullability info is used or not - [#6064]( - Add configuration to add alternate trimming methods - [#6063]( - Check if property is documented at class header - [#6061]( - OutdatedDocumentation - Check if only public property is documented - [#6057]( - UnnecessaryLet: fix false positive in call chains - [#6052]( - Add `comments` with a list of regexes to `ForbiddenComment` - [#5981]( - Fix incomplete `requireRootInDeclaration` check in `InvalidPackageDeclaration` - [#6045]( - BracesOnWhenStatements: fix false positive for necessary braces - [#6042]( - Fix redundant ClassOrdering violations using maximum increasing section - [#6003]( - UseIsNullOrEmpty: fix false negative with chained call - [#6027]( - Create docs for Gradle Worker API - [#6016]( - Compile compiler plugin against kotlin-compiler-embeddable - [#6012]( - Update intro.mdx to use setFrom() on detekt config - [#6010]( - Use `` instead of `` - [#6006]( - Implement parentPath accessor in concrete config implementations - [#6002]( - Increase ALIASES_LIMIT to 100 for YamlConfig - [#5986]( - Fix elvis to +/- case in case UnnecessaryParentheses when precedence is unclear - [#5983]( - jdkHome as [@Internal]( - [#5978]( - Fix broken POM file for detetk-compiler-plugin - [#5971]( - Fix broken publishToMavenLocal - [#5970]( - Add `allowOmitUnit` to rule `LibraryCodeMustSpecifyReturnType` - [#5861]( - Remove dependency that creates a cycle. - [#5777]( - Update dependency org.jetbrains:annotations to v24 - [#5969]( - Update github/codeql-action digest to [`8c8d71d`]( - [#5966]( - Add functions to ExitOutsideMain rule - [#5963]( - Update - [#5954]( - Prevent import statements from counting as references for UnusedPrivateProperty - [#5942]( - Fix ExpressionBodySyntax not checking property getters/setters - [#5938]( - Improve correctness of UnusedPrivateProperty - [#5935]( - Fix documentation for deprecated 'reports' object (Issue [#5908]( - [#5924]( - Print file path report as link file - [#5921]( - "detekt" or "Detekt" - [#5898]( - Update JSON schema URL - [#5881]( - Add support for local suppression inside formatting - [#5876]( - Fix checkExhaustiveness for formatting and third party rules - [#5869]( - Allow newline style for MaxChainedCallsOnSameLine - [#5865]( - Declare inputs and outputs to support incremental build for testPluginKotlinc - [#5862]( - Use code syntax for `Unit` for ImplicitUnitReturnType rule - [#5857]( - MatchingDeclarationName. KtFilesSpec also remove .common.kt suffix from kotlin files - [#5851]( - Fix double mutability issues with Gradle plugin's use of ConfigurableFileCollection - [#5850]( - MagicNumber - Make ignoreNamedArgument catch more complex expression - [#5837]( - Exclude super call when generating guard clauses - [#5835]( - Enable test retry for all our modules - [#5825]( - Stop configuring report merge tasks while configuring Detekt tasks - [#5813]( - FunctionMatcher support for fully qualified function names - [#5812]( - Boy Scout - [#5808]( - Simplify `TestConfig` usages - [#5801]( - Reduce configuration of UnusedPrivateMember's split rules - [#5800]( - Force SerialVerionUID to be private - [#5798]( - Exclude the KMP test folders for android - [#5797]( - Add aliases for PackageNaming and InvalidPackageDeclaration - [#5795]( - Forbid using Jupiter Kotlin assertions - [#5794]( - ModifierOrder: fix false positive with block comments - [#5791]( - Fixed ProtectedMemberInFinalClass rule reporting valid JVM finalize - [#5788]( - Remove unnecessary usage of BeforeAll in tests - [#5781]( - Run Kotlin compiler plugin CLI test as part of standard build - [#5766]( - Refactor to remove java.util.Array\* imports - [#5761]( - Replace java.util.Stack with Kotlin's ArrayDeque implementation - [#5760]( - Replace java.time.Duration with kotlin.time.Duration - [#5759]( - Add NixOS installation method to doc - [#5757]( - Remove & forbid usage of - [#5756]( - Use stdlib functions for file & path operations - [#5754]( - Enable UnnecessaryBackticks in detekt project - [#5753]( - Update docusaurus monorepo to v2.3.1 - [#5752]( - Resolve runtime classpaths consistently with compile classpaths - [#5730]( - Exclude new Kotlin Test directories in default config - [#5727]( - Fail when unexpected version of kotlin-compiler-embeddable is on runtime classpath - [#5726]( - Fix IgnoredReturnValue rule crash in parallel mode - [#5724]( - Use `name` that return name after backticks - [#5719]( - UnusedPrivateMember - Fix false positive in case of invoke operator - [#5717]( - Fix false positive for `CanBeNonNullable` rule - [#5714]( - IgnoredReturnValue: fix false negative when annotation is on the package - [#5706]( - Check Thread.sleep for block expression - [#5699]( - Fix false positive of in UnnecessaryParentheses - [#5684]( - Fix url and kotlin reference support in kdoc - [#5683]( - Add config for variable expression in when - [#5681]( - Enable NoSemicolons rule - [#5663]( - Use correct resolvable/consumable flags on detekt's configurations - [#5657]( - Prepare for Gradle 8 - [#5656]( - ExplicitCollectionElementAccessMethod rule update - [#5654]( - Cast nullable to non nullable type - [#5653]( - Enable verbose mode for Codecov GH Action - [#5652]( - Fail build when issues found with JVM target compatibility of related compile tasks - [#5651]( - Don't silently use Kotlin compiler fallback strategy - [#5650]( - Documentation tweaks - [#5639]( - Have consistent compile-test-snippets between project and system property - [#5630]( - Exclude operator functions in function min/max length - [#5618]( - Broken link at EmptyFunctionBlock - [#5604]( - Update rule description for errorprone rules - [#5603]( - FunctionMaxLength false positive for overridden methods [#5590]( - [#5599]( - Report proper code position in `MaxLineLength` - [#5583]( - Allow access to nonpublic members of public types in java.base/java.lang package - [#5579]( - NonBooleanPropertyPrefixedWithIs: Allow AtomicBoolean - [#5577]( - Pass compilation output classes to detekt analysis classpath - [#5556]( - Fix KDocReferencesNonPublicProperty false positive - [#5534]( ##### Dependency Updates - Update dependency io.github.detekt.sarif4k:sarif4k to v0.4.0 - [#6113]( - Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.7.1 - [#6097]( - Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.7.0 - [#6074]( - Update - [#6065]( - Update JaCoCo to v0.8.10 - [#6044]( - Update plugin pluginPublishing to v1.2.0 - [#5975]( - Update ktlint to v0.48.1 - [#5661]( - Update dependency to v7.4.0 - [#5693]( - JaCoCo 0.8.9 - [#5959]( - Update dependency com.github.tschuchortdev:kotlin-compile-testing to v1.5.0 - [#5882]( - Update dependency org.jetbrains.dokka to v1.8.10 - [#5878]( - Compile detekt-compiler-plugin against standard Kotlin compiler artifact - [#5765]( - Migrate to SnakeYAML Engine - [#5751]( - Update kotlin monorepo to v1.8.10 - [#5745]( - Update ktlint to v0.48.0 - [#5625]( - Migrate to Gradle Nexus Publish Plugin - [#5554]( - Update dependency io.github.detekt.sarif4k:sarif4k to v0.2.0 - [#5496]( ##### Housekeeping & Refactorings - Inline Cases enum and inline other external test code into the test classes - [#6107]( - Update codecov/codecov-action digest to [`eaaf4be`]( - [#6102]( - Remove unnecessary baselines - [#6092]( - Remove unused `dependenciesAsNames` - [#6059]( - Reduce eager POM task creation - [#6041]( - Improve our configuration of `ClassNaming` and `FunctionNaming` - [#6019]( - Comment text in the Issue/PR Template - [#5992]( - Fix typo: Github -> GitHub - [#5956]( - Review all Detekt and Detekt Gradle Plugin usages. - [#5955]( - Review all Detekt and Detekt Gradle Plugin usages. - [#5953]( - Add a test for catching undocumented public interfaces - [#5951]( - Execute tests in parallel - [#5944]( - Make GeneratorSpec use resources - [#5932]( - Cleanup detekt-formatting to use detekt's own assertThat function - [#5911]( - Stale any issue with support tag in one month - [#5904]( - Remove instances of double mutability - [#5899]( - Handle todo in LinesOfCode logic - [#5897]( - Boy scout - `detekt-generator` - [#5854]( - Tweak GHA configs a bit - [#5852]( - Create `generateWebsite` - [#5849]( - Remove dependency between check and jacocoMergedReport - [#5846]( - Sort deprecation properties - [#5845]( - Simplify generate documentation - [#5844]( - Remove unnecessary `@Suppress("ReturnCount")` - [#5841]( - Cleaner merging of Gradle blocks for functionalTests - [#5830]( - Replace trimMargin usages - [#5827]( - Disable PTS from local and enable it for PRs - [#5826]( - Activate MultilineRawStringIndentation on detekt - [#5819]( - Remove single-use `times` method, use stdlib's `repeat` instead. - [#5774]( - Remove redundant build config - [#5617]( - Migrate to AGP namespaces - [#5569]( - Fix typo - [#5557]( ##### Contributors We would like to thank the following contributors that made this release possible: [@3flex](, [@BeBAKE](, [@BraisGabin](, [@Goooler](, [@SaumyaBhushan](, [@TWiStErRob](, [@VitalyVPinchuk](, [@adef145](, [@asomov](, [@atulgpt](, [@chao2zhang](, [@cketti](, [@cortinico](, [@drawers](, [@dzirbel](, [@igorwojda](, [@lexa-diky](, [@luanpotter](, [@marschwar](, [@mjovanc](, [@mmorozkov](, [@ncteisen](, [@osipxd](, [@ov7a](, [@schalkms](, [@t-kameyama](, [@tresni]( See all issues at: [1.23.0](
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