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packing restrictor for LKB as in ACE #30

Closed john-a-carroll closed 1 year ago

john-a-carroll commented 2 years ago

I suggest the following addition to lkb/globals.lsp to bring LKB processing more in line with ACE. Would you like to add it to the 2020 release?

;;; some rules should be constrained to only apply over the entire string, i.e.
;;; to edges that span the full input; this should improve parsing efficiency
;;; only, rather than be considered part of the linguistic analyses.
(defparameter *spanning-only-rules*
    aj-r_frg_c np-aj_frg_c np-aj_rorp-frg_c cl_rel-frg_c aj-np_int-frg_c
    pp-aj_frg_c j-aj_frg_c np_nb-frg_c np-cl_numitem_c cl-cl_runon-cma_c  
    cl-np_runon_c cl-np_runon-prn_c cl_cp-frg_c))
john-a-carroll commented 2 years ago

Oops, I forgot the addition that actually relates to the issue title!

(defparameter *packing-restrictor*

It would also be nice to have the spanning-only rules.

danflick commented 1 year ago

Synchronized both settings for ACE and LKB, in 2023 release.