delta-hq / l2-lxp-liquidity-reward

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stargate: bridge: add v2 positions #278

Closed kyle-layerzero closed 1 month ago

kyle-layerzero commented 2 months ago


Checklist before requesting a review

  1. index.ts file

    • [ ] Contains function

      ```export const getUserTVLByBlock = async (blocks: BlockData) => {
          const { blockNumber, blockTimestamp } = blocks
              //    Retrieve data using block number and timestamp
              // YOUR LOGIC HERE
          return csvRows
      • [ ] getUserTVLByBlock function takes input with this schema

            interface BlockData {
                blockNumber: number;
                blockTimestamp: number;
      • [ ] getUserTVLByBlock function returns output in this schema

        const csvRows: OutputDataSchemaRow[] = [];
        type OutputDataSchemaRow = {
            block_number: number;  //block_number which was given as input
            timestamp: number;     // block timestamp which was given an input, epoch format
            user_address: string;   // wallet address, all lowercase
            token_address: string;  // token address all lowercase
            token_balance: bigint;  // token balance, raw amount. Please dont divide by decimals
            token_symbol: string; //token symbol should be empty string if it is not available
            usd_price: number; //assign 0 if not available
      • [ ] contains function

            const readBlocksFromCSV = async (filePath: string): Promise<BlockData[]> => {
            const blocks: BlockData[] = [];
            await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
                .pipe(csv()) // Specify the separator as '\t' for TSV files
                .on('data', (row) => {
                    const blockNumber = parseInt(row.number, 10);
                    const blockTimestamp = parseInt(row.timestamp, 10);
                    if (!isNaN(blockNumber) && blockTimestamp) {
                    blocks.push({ blockNumber: blockNumber, blockTimestamp });
                .on('end', () => {
                .on('error', (err) => {
            return blocks;
      • [ ] has this code

        readBlocksFromCSV('hourly_blocks.csv').then(async (blocks: any[]) => {
        const allCsvRows: any[] = []; 
        for (const block of blocks) {
            try {
                const result = await getUserTVLByBlock(block);
            } catch (error) {
                console.error(`An error occurred for block ${block}:`, error);
        await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const ws = fs.createWriteStream(`outputData.csv`, { flags: 'w' });
            write(allCsvRows, { headers: true })
                .on("finish", () => {
                console.log(`CSV file has been written.`);
        }).catch((err) => {
        console.error('Error reading CSV file:', err);
      • [ ] Your code is handling Pagination to make sure all data for a given block is returned
  2. Output data

    • [ ] Created a folder test on the same level as src and put sample outputData.csv with 15-20 records generated by your code
    • [ ] Data is returned for underlying tokens only. Not for special tokens (lp/veTokens etc)
    • [ ] Follows the exact sequence mentioned in OutputDataSchemaRow . This is needed as we want same column ordering in output csv
    • Value of each field is :
      • [ ] block_number is same as input block number. This signifies TVL is as of this block_number.
      • [ ] timestamp is same as input timestamp. This signifies TVL is as of this timestamp. It is in epoch format.
      • [ ] user_address is in lowercase
      • [ ] token_address is in lowercase
      • [ ] token_balance is in raw amount. Please dont divide by decimals.
      • [ ] token_symbol value if present, empty string if value is not available.
      • [ ] usd_price if value is available, 0 if value is not available.