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test: reintroduce azurite SAS integration tests #2598

Closed giacomorebecchi closed 2 weeks ago

giacomorebecchi commented 2 weeks ago


Reintroduce integration tests using Azurite and SAS tokens.

These tests were skipped believing that the mistake was due to the upgrade of version in object-store>=0.9.1". Actually, whatobject-store` started doing from that version on, is really using the SAS token for the first time. For more details, see:

I changed the command to create the SAS token using the azure-storage-blob library (adding it to the dev deps), rather than the azure CLI, and removed the pytest markers to skip the tests.

@ion-elgreco pinging you as promised, sorry if this took more time than expected!

ion-elgreco commented 2 weeks ago

Thankss! <3