delta-io / delta-rs

A native Rust library for Delta Lake, with bindings into Python
Apache License 2.0
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Document Databricks/delta-rs protocol version support by release #2616

Open Abhishek1005 opened 6 days ago

Abhishek1005 commented 6 days ago

Delta Lake feature compatibility between Spark (Databricks) and pandas/dask using the delta-rs(Delta client) library is dependent on the protocol version support. Some of the latest Databricks Runtime's protocol versions (minWriterVersion and minReaderVersion) do not match with delta-rs protocol support level currently offered. Hence, a majority of the delta features are incompatible with delta-rs library.

Finding the protocol compatibility information should be made easier.

Hence, documenting the protocol version by release would help make this information (compatibility with Delta Clients/Connectors) easier to find.