delta-io / delta-rs

A native Rust library for Delta Lake, with bindings into Python
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fix: enable parquet pushdown for DeltaScan via TableProvider impl for DeltaTable #2618

Open alexwilcoxson-rel opened 5 days ago

alexwilcoxson-rel commented 5 days ago


The DeltaScanBuilder used by DeltaTable's TableProvider impl does not specify DeltaScanConfig. The builder uses Default for DeltaScanConfig and thus enable_parquet_pushdown is disabled.

This change makes it so DeltaScanConfig is an Option on the scan builder. If unset during build a default value will be created using the DeltaScanConfigBuilder rather than DeltaScanConfig::Default. The former has enable_parquet_pushdown defaulted to true. I considered changing the latter but it is used in a couple other places where I was not sure of the impact.

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github-actions[bot] commented 5 days ago


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