delta-io / delta

An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs
Apache License 2.0
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Help to provide an example to show how to store images #1012

Closed journey-wang closed 2 years ago

journey-wang commented 2 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Could you help to show a full python example about how to store many small pictures to delta table? And how to read out them?

Best regards.

jodwyer commented 2 years ago

@journey-wang, I will put together an example around this!

journey-wang commented 2 years ago

@jodwyer Thanks very much for your help. In order to be friendly for new ones, please also show how to run this example .py at their PC.

jodwyer commented 2 years ago

Yes, thanks that's exactly what I was thinking!

journey-wang commented 2 years ago

Hi @jodwyer , any update? Best regards.

jodb commented 2 years ago

@journey-wang I haven't had a chance to work on this yet but I plan to this week.

jodwyer commented 2 years ago

@journey-wang here is an example I put together. I'll put something more formal together but I want to get the example to you to first to see if it's what you are looking for:

import pyspark.sql.functions as fn
import pyspark
from delta import configure_spark_with_delta_pip

builder = (
    .config('spark.sql.extensions', '')
    .config('spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog', '')

spark = configure_spark_with_delta_pip(builder).getOrCreate()

# Flowers dataset from the TensorFlow team -
imagePath = "/path/to/flower_photos/"
deltaPath = "/path/to/write/flower_photos_delta_table/"

# read the images from the flowers dataset
images ="binaryFile").\
  option("recursiveFileLookup", "true").\
  option("pathGlobFilter", "*.jpg").\

# Knowing the file path, extract the flower type and filename using substring_index
# Remember, Spark dataframes are immutable, here we are just reusing the images dataframe
images = images.withColumn("flowerType_filename", fn.substring_index(images.path, "/", -2))
images = images.withColumn("flowerType", fn.substring_index(images.flowerType_filename, "/", 1))
images = images.withColumn("filename", fn.substring_index(images.flowerType_filename, "/", -1))
images = images.drop("flowerType_filename")

# Select the columns we want to write out to
df ="path", "content", "flowerType", "filename").repartition(4)

# Write out the delta table to the given path, this will overwrite any table that is currently there

# Reads the delta table that was just written
dfDelta ="delta").load(deltaPath)
jodwyer commented 2 years ago

This issue is resolved in PR #1067

journey-wang commented 2 years ago

Thanks very much @jodwyer

jodb commented 2 years ago

@journey-wang glad to help! We are working on the PR to get this example in the codebase and it should be there soon. Have a great week!