delta-io / delta

An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs
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Support Auto Compaction #1156

Open sezruby opened 2 years ago

sezruby commented 2 years ago


Support Auto Compaction described in:

We can support Auto compaction via a new post commit hook and OptimizeCommand with less size threshold. (default: false) (default: 128MB) (default: 50)

The configs above are same as Databricks Auto compaction.

New config1 - autoCompact.maxCompactBytes

As it will be triggered after every table update, I introduced another config to control the total amount of data to be optimized for an auto compaction operation: (default: 20GB)

In Databricks, it's adjusted based on available cluster resources. The config is a quick and easy workaround for it.

New config2 -

The PR adds another new config - to change target files for auto compaction. (default: "partition")

Users are usually writing/updating data only for few partitions, and don't expect changes in other partitions. In case the table is not optimized, the default behavior table might cause some conflicts between other partitions unexpectedly and added/updated files in the triggering commit might not be optimized if there are many small files in other partitions.

Fixes #815

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Support Auto compaction feature

sezruby commented 2 years ago

I didn't write a design doc & issue since it's straightforward. Please let me know if we need a design documentation.

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

Hi @sezruby - thanks for this PR! It will take some time for us to review and verify it. We will get back to you.

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

Hi @sezruby - just updating you with the status on our end. We are very busy with planned features for the next release of Delta Lake, as well with preparation for the upcoming Data and AI summit in June.

So, it will take us some time to get back to you on this.

sezruby commented 1 year ago

@vkorukanti Could you review the PR when you have the time? TIA!

sezruby commented 1 year ago

@vkorukanti Could you review the PR when you have the time? TIA!

@vkorukanti @scottsand-db A gentle reminder. This one is simpler than Optimize Write so I would like to merge this PR first.

scottsand-db commented 1 year ago

Can you please fix the conflicts?

sezruby commented 1 year ago

@scottsand-db @zsxwing Could you review the PR?

pedrosalgadowork commented 1 year ago

We are also having this issue, we can't define disjoint conditions from both merge and optimize if they are done concurrently.

sezruby commented 1 year ago

We are also having this issue, we can't define disjoint conditions from both merge and optimize if they are done concurrently.

@pedrosalgadowork which issue do you mean by? is it related to auto compaction?

sezruby commented 1 year ago

@scottsand-db @zsxwing @tdas Could you review the PR?

rasidhan commented 1 year ago

@scottsand-db @zsxwing @tdas - can you help review this PR? Its been open for several months now with no updates/comments recently.

felipepessoto commented 1 year ago

Would be great to have this on Delta 2.3. Is it the plan to merge it soon?

Kimahriman commented 1 year ago

Looks like there's some conflicts with the new DV stuff, had to update some things rebasing things on the 2.3 release in my fork.

Would be great to get some more looks at this and get this merged in, this is a highly valuable and missing feature.

sezruby commented 11 months ago

@dennyglee @scottsand-db @zsxwing @tdas Could you review the PR?

sezruby commented 11 months ago

@dennyglee @scottsand-db @zsxwing @tdas Could you review the PR? I'll resolve the conflict once you started actively reviewing.

sezruby commented 10 months ago

@dennyglee @scottsand-db @zsxwing @tdas @allisonport-db Could you review the PR?

resulyrt93 commented 9 months ago

Is there any obstacle to the review of this PR?

takkarharsh commented 7 months ago

@sezruby In Class spark/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/delta/OptimisticTransaction.scala method "groupFilesIntoBins" val filteredByBinSize = bins.filter { bin => // bin size is equal to or greater than autoCompactMinNumFiles files bin.size >= autoCompactMinNumFiles || // or bin size + number of deletion vectors >= autoCompactMinNumFiles files bin.count(_.deletionVector != null) + bin.size >= autoCompactMinNumFiles }.map(b => (partition, b))

why are we using individual bin.size while comparing to autoCompactMinNumFiles ?

If total files size are greater than autoCompact.maxFileSize and total number of files are > MinNumFiles, but after segregating it in bins by size the individual bins will always have lesser files than MinNumFiles and hence it will not auto-compact the files.

Any particular reason for doing that ? i understand it might cause compaction of some small file but isn't it better than no compaction ?

bqiang-stackadapt commented 2 months ago

I think autoCompact should be available now? since it's documented here

tdas commented 2 months ago

Yes, since Delta 3.1. This PR can be closed now.

bqiang-stackadapt commented 2 months ago

Yes, since Delta 3.1. This PR can be closed now.

Thanks! Do you know whether autoCompact would work when using with spark structured streaming with delta table as the sink?