delta-io / delta

An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs
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[Feature Request][Spark] Relax check for generated columns and CHECK constraints depending on nested struct fields #3250

Open johanl-db opened 2 weeks ago

johanl-db commented 2 weeks ago

Feature request

Which Delta project/connector is this regarding?


The check to prevent invalid type changes from being applied in ImplicitMetadataOperation.checkDependentExpression is too strict and can be relaxed to allow changing the type of a field in a struct if that field isn't referenced by a CHECK constraint or generated column.


The type of columns and nested fields that are referenced by a CHECK constraint or generated columns can’t be changed during schema evolution as the expressions may depend on the type.

For example hash(col) or typeof(col) may/will return different results depending on the column type, leading to existing rows that may not satisfy CHECK constraints anymore or cause existing rows in a generated column to not match the actual result of the generated column expression anymore.

The check enforcing that such type changes aren't applied is too strict when changing the type of fields inside structs and can be relaxed to allow more use cses.

Further details refactored the check to reject changing the type of a column or field during schema evolution in such a case but for simplicity, it doesn’t try to identify if nested struct fields that are modified overlap or not with fields referenced by a CHECK constraint or a generated column and instead consider the struct as a whole as being modified.

By checking individual fields, we could allow the following valid use case which is rejected today:

CREATE TABLE t (a struct<x: byte, y: byte>) USING DELTA TBLPROPERTIES('delta.enableTypeWidening' = 'true');
SET "" = "true";

Changing the type of struct field a.y during schema evolution will fail, even though only a.x is referenced by the CHECK constraint.

Willingness to contribute

The Delta Lake Community encourages new feature contributions. Would you or another member of your organization be willing to contribute an implementation of this feature?

I'm also happy to support anyone willing to implement this improvement.

Kimahriman commented 1 week ago

This sounds partly like what I tried to do in but the refactor makes that PR defunct at this point