An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs
The catalog name hive_metastore was set. The delta table failed to be created. The table location directory was empty without n_delta_log。 catalog name can only be spark_catalog?
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
.config("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
.config("spark.sql.extensions", "")
.config("spark.sql.catalog.hive_metastore", "")
spark.sql("DROP TABLE if exists bigdata.delta_sample")
val deltaCreateTableDdl =
|create table if not exists hive_metastore.bigdata.delta_sample (
| k int,
| v string
|) USING delta
The catalog name hive_metastore was set. The delta table failed to be created. The table location directory was empty without n_delta_log。 catalog name can only be spark_catalog?