delta-io / delta

An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs
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Concurrent streaming to a delta table and compaction leads to exception: #761

Closed sinichkin closed 2 years ago

sinichkin commented 2 years ago

zsxwing commented 2 years ago

Which Delta Lake version are you using?

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

Could you @sinichkin please provide this feedback so we can better understand this issue?

eran-levy commented 2 years ago

@scottsand-db I see its written in the stackoverflow comments - scalaMajorVersion=2.12 scalaMinorVersion=11 SPARK_VERSION=3.1.1 DELTA_VERSION=1.0.0 KAFKA_VERSION=2.3.1

dennyglee commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @eran-levy - to help with the flow, I've responded to the original SO question and the results of the analysis can be pushed back here into GitHub. HTH!

aish-war commented 2 years ago

Hi, @scottsand-db @dennyglee was the above issue solved? I too am facing almost the same issue. I'll attach 2 screenshots that'll help u understand the issue, as u see I am running two spark session parallely, trying to update/insert in the same delta table but on different partitions, partitioned on "site", and it still throws "ConcurrentAppendException". Hope u understood what I am trying to convey. Could u kindly help me here,? I have also attached the ss of the exception too.

delta==0.4.2 delta-spark==1.0.0 deltalake==0.5.6 pyspark==3.1.1

Screenshot from 2022-04-07 13-09-34 Screenshot from 2022-04-07 13-11-50

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

Hi @aish-war thanks for your question, we will take a look at your error msg.

tdas commented 2 years ago

this is a complex issue! the exception that you posted... which merge query hit that issue .. the merge query on site "UNIV" or site "BAPT"?

tdas commented 2 years ago

also.. it might be helpful for us to repro the issue our side for deeper debugging. if you can repro this issue locally... could have package this into a self-runnable code + instructions that we can execute?

aish-war commented 2 years ago

@tdas @scottsand-db hi guys, took some time to create a demo delta table, as we could not share the original delta table due to security reasons. I've attached a dox, Guide.odt, which contains the info on the issue we are facing. i've also attached the zipped version of delta table, along with the 2 .ipynb files. Hope this is enough.

AthulJustin commented 2 years ago

@tdas @scottsand-db Hi guys any updates on the query raised?/

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

Hey @AthulJustin. Still looking. Sorry we've been busy working on the release of Delta Lake 1.2. Should have an answer for you in the next few days.

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

Hi @AthulJustin. This will take some time to debug. So far I've reproduced on Delta Lake 1.0 and 1.1.

AthulJustin commented 2 years ago

Thanks @scottsand-db and @tdas . This issue is kind of like the top priority issue for us . Its been haunting us for like a month.

sree-inapp commented 2 years ago

@tdas @scottsand-db @aish-war @AthulJustin

Hello everyone! I'd like to know whether there has been any progress on this issue. We are also dealing with the same issue. I haven't been able to come up with any solutions.


scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

@sree-inapp and @AthulJustin - sorry, things have been very busy with the recent release of Delta Lake 1.2.0 and the upcoming Delta Lake 1.2.1. TD and I have time scheduled this week to investigate this issue. Thanks for your patience.

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

(sorry accidentally closed)

sree-inapp commented 2 years ago

Hi @scottsand-db @tdas were you able to look into this issue? we are still stuck on this. Awaiting your response.

aish-war commented 2 years ago

Hi @scottsand-db @tdas were you able to look into this issue? we are still stuck on this. Awaiting your response.

same here.

AthulJustin commented 2 years ago

Hi @scottsand-db @tdas Awaiting your response.

MintuJohnsontj commented 2 years ago

Hi @scottsand-db @tdas Is there any solution to this problem? I am also facing the same issue.

vivekInapp commented 2 years ago

Hi @scottsand-db @tdas Is there any solution to this problem? I am also facing the same issue.

fathimajafir commented 2 years ago

Hi @scottsand-db @tdas is there any solution to the problem? we are also facing this issue

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

Hi @aish-war, so in your example you provided, changing how you create the source table, e.g.

df = dup_table.toDF().filter("acc_num=='6723952'")


df = dup_table.toDF().filter("acc_num=='6723952' AND site='BAPT'")

solves the problem.

Can you show me how you are create the source tables in production?

aish-war commented 2 years ago

@scottsand-db will definitely check this out. thanks for responding.

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

This works too.

df_orig = dup_table.toDF().filter("acc_num=='3198639'")
rows_orig = df_orig.collect()
df = spark.createDataFrame(rows_orig)

# use df as the source DataFrame
scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

@AthulJustin @MintuJohnsontj @fathimajafir can you please all give me more details on

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

@aish-war To be clear, the issue here was that your source DataFrame was built off of / directly referenced your target table.

source = target.toDF().filter("acc_num=='3198639'")

In this case, you should save your source to a temporary table first, and then read from that table during your merge.

This was an issue because, during the merge, despite your merge condition which was correctly partitioned, it was re-generating the source (and looking for that unique acc_num). For all spark knows, the results to that source query might have changed, so it needs to re-scan the entire table to look for rows that match that acc_num. Since it had to scan the entire table, this is why you are getting concurrent append exceptions.

aish-war commented 2 years ago

@scottsand-db the issue indeed was wrt to the way we were creating the the new/updated record. thank you.

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

@aish-war great, glad I could help!