delta1512 / BOINCOS

Scripts and files used by BOINC-OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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boinc user password? #17

Open sunk818 opened 5 years ago

sunk818 commented 5 years ago

I was trying to edit global_prefs.xml so I could change the number of CPUs used and what percentage to run them. I could open it with vi, but could not get root access nor boinc user access to change the file. What's the boinc user password?

tomasbrod commented 5 years ago

Did you try sudo?

doej1367 commented 3 years ago

same problem here... searching for the standard password for 'boincuser' as well. I've written the BOINCOS-Graphical-XFCE-Beta-v2.0.1.img file from here to a USB-Stick and booted it up, but now i'm stuck at the login screen, because I don't know the standard password. I've tried sudo but it didn't work... UPDATE 1:

Logging In:
The OS will boot into a text-based console and prompt for a login. Type the username
“boincuser”, press enter and then type the password which is a single spacebar.

~ Ok spacebar doesn't work either... UPDATE 2: I've found the hashed user/password in the shadow file...


but i've never cracked one before... UPDATE 3: Every single one of the standard '/usr/share/wordlists/' from kali failed. Regarding brute-force I've tried (?a) [1], (?a?a) [2], (?a?a?a) [3], (?d?d?d?d) [4] and (?l?l?l?l) [4] so far without success. I've been 50% through (?l?l?l?l?l) [5] but that would have take over 2h and I think I haven't turned on GPU mode yet... UPDATE 4: Ok whatever... I just booted from another linux, deleted the password-hash for the boincuser in the /etc/shadow file and logged in that way. Not the best way, and I really wanted to know what the password was, but hey it works...