deltachat / deltachat-core-rust

Delta Chat Rust Core library, used by Android/iOS/desktop apps, bindings and bots 📧
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Error: Message exceeds the recommended 18 MB. #2633

Closed missytake closed 3 years ago

missytake commented 3 years ago

Use Case

Let me preface this with the following use case: journalists with mobile phones and unlimited data plans want to film a human rights violation in a dynamic situation, e.g. a protest.

They have pre-configured Delta Chat apps with temporary accounts and are in constant contact with their backoffice. Now say they film a few minutes of the situation and want to send the video to their backoffice, which has a temporary account on the same server.

The mail server is preconfigured to allow very, very large attachments, because the mail server admin is aware that large videos are important in such a situation; they know that because the accounts are temporary, the files will be deleted soon afterwards anyway.

Nonetheless, the journalist will encounter the following error (in my case reported with Linux because it doesn't really matter, there is an artificial restriction in the core, so the error will appear on any platform):

The Error Message


The Technical Side

The error is caused by this check:

it is an artificial client-side restriction on the message size. It's actually independent of any server-side restrictions and will trigger before the message is actually sent.

The topic of how to support large file transfer is also discussed in the forum:
I quote @hpk42:

dat-integration is a bit for the longer term, as things stand. I think it’s interesting to find pragmatic ways to arrange for large-file transferal.

In the above-mentioned use case a cloud upload would also be possible; it's not optimal though, it's much more intuitive for journalists to just use a chat.

The Standards Argument

According to, message size restrictions should be avoided if possible.

Since the introduction of Internet Standards for multimedia mail (RFC 2045), message size restrictions should be avoided if at all possible. SMTP server systems that must impose restrictions SHOULD implement the "SIZE" service extension of RFC 1870, and SMTP client systems that will send large messages SHOULD utilize it when possible.

As handling the load of large email attachments is the responsibility of the mail server admin, they should decide how big attachments they accept, instead of artificial client-side limits.

But of course the optimization goal here is user's lives, not standard compliance.

The Real Life Argument

There are probably other use cases for which this restriction is improving user's lives, e.g. that their data plans don't get eaten by a large file which is then rejected by the mail server anyway (major frustration point). Apart from that I can imagine that the SMTP file transfer is not the most robust protocol, and will probably fail more likely, the larger the file; introducing more frustration. There are probably other reasons for this restriction as well?

Anyway, it seems like an arbitrary restriction. Do we really need it? It makes workarounds like the mail server admin's harder; it actively inhibits at least one use case which we try to optimize for.

ghost commented 3 years ago

In fact, those who have the ability to send large attachments find themselves limited. Then with the new plug-in for simplebot you can get around the limit of the target provider. For example: I, who have Infomaniak as a provider, can send a 144 Mb attachment, the recipient can accept 25 Mb of attachments. I send the attachment to the bot and the bot returns me the link of the site where it uploaded the file. Now there is this 18 Mb limit. 😒

r10s commented 3 years ago

as already pointed out on dc/irc, the limit is there because there are multiple recipients on other servers, and we don't know the limits for them. So we have to be conservative here, otherwise in groups the experience for users without limits would be worse: their messages will be delivered only to some users.

maybe we can tweak things to make things easer to use for the described scenario, but just raising the limit might worsen overall ux. also, it is hard to explain, why you can send a video to personA but not to personB.

also, it seems to be a challenge to send 200mb or even 1gb over email anyway, even if we would not have a limit. at least this is not widely tested. there are better tools for that, and ppl often use multiple tools anyway.

discussion can continue, of course, but i would prefer the forum, which is meant for discussions.

i suggest to close this issue here as there is no actionable item.