deltaluca / nape

Haxe/AS3 Physics Engine
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Release swc seems broken for bodiesInShape & custom shapes #108

Open neuronix opened 7 years ago

neuronix commented 7 years ago


I'm using bodiesInShape with a custom polygon (a rounded rectangle) and containment = true. I'm getting an empty bodyList with the release swc and correct results with the debug swc.

This does not seem to occur when querying with Circles.

Could there be an issue with the release swc?

neuronix commented 7 years ago

@deltaluca could you please give me some insight?

deltaluca commented 7 years ago

Honestly? no idea. and I don't want to touch Flash with a million foot barge pole, the swcs have been unchanged for years, so any problem happening recently can only be on their side.

neuronix commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry to hear so, there are still many devs (of which some huge like Jam City Inc.) who use AIR & Starling and nape is a very popular choice for physics in the Starling community.