deltaluca / nape

Haxe/AS3 Physics Engine
542 stars 77 forks source link expired #86

Closed francoisvn closed 10 years ago

francoisvn commented 10 years ago

The title says it all - the domain name has expired.

gsynuh commented 10 years ago

so for anyone interested : also if the domain owner (don't know if its @deltaluca himself) accepts donations for a renewal, I'm in.

deltaluca commented 10 years ago

It is me @gsynuh. I've had issues getting it renewed immediately (lost password, email address no longer valid on account used to register domain). And have sent the registrar an email listing account and payment informations to prove its my account and get it renewed. Hopefully next day or so.

deltaluca commented 10 years ago

Also, until then the page itself can still be viewed in entirety on the longer url since i'm using github pages.

deltaluca commented 10 years ago

aaaand it's back