Closed Erisfiregamer1 closed 4 years ago
This is mainly because a whole load of potential lies here, if people knew how to use it.
Here are some I know: UnitTypes.[unit].[thing to modify, like speed]=[value] And some others. haha duo machine gun go BRRRRRRRRRRR
For some reason trying to do the same thing with blocks returns an error. Idk i might just be bad. Typing somthing like ItemTurret.duo.reload = NaN just outputs an error saying that the class doesnt exist. And i know it doesnt have anything to do with NaN
As in class i mean duo. But checking the games code there is clerely an object named duo with the class ItemTurret.
For some reason trying to do the same thing with blocks returns an error. Idk i might just be bad. Typing somthing like ItemTurret.duo.reload = NaN just outputs an error saying that the class doesnt exist. And i know it doesnt have anything to do with NaN
NaN means not a number so it returns it is not a type of class
There isnt a proper list of commands and how to use them. Maybe add one?