delucis / astro-netlify-cms

Integration to add Netlify CMS’s admin dashboard to any Astro project
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How to extend netlifyCMS with CMS.registerWidget? #9

Open preetamslot opened 2 years ago

preetamslot commented 2 years ago

Hi, Where is the place to add custom widgets for netlify CMS to extend the cms? thanks

delucis commented 2 years ago

Hi @preetamslot!

It's currently not supported. My plan is to offer config options that the integration would read and then call registerWidget for you, but haven't had a chance to do that yet.

So the config would look something like:

  config: { ... },
  widgets: [
      name: 'my-widget',
      control: <PATH TO REACT COMPONENT>,
delucis commented 2 years ago

Reopening this to keep as a reminder that we do want to support this!

codelastnight commented 1 year ago

It would also be cool to support CMS.registerMediaLibrary(), probably with the same pattern as widget

tomashco commented 1 year ago

Hi there, regarding the mdx support, I did some testing and made somehow to register the mdx widget inside the editor editing these files: vite-plugin-admin-dashboard.ts:

return `${imports.join('\n')}
    import * as NCMS from 'netlify-cms-app';
    import { MdxControl, MdxPreview } from 'netlify-cms-widget-mdx';
    NCMS.registerWidget('mdx', MdxControl, MdxPreview);

    export default {
      cms: NCMS,
      config: JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(config)}'),
      previewStyles: [${styles.join(',')}],

and inside the collection of the posts in the NetlifyCMS config I added: `extension: 'mdx', format: 'frontmatter', fields:

This setup allows you to edit a mdx file, but I've found two problems:

Hope this can help to further understand and implement mdx in netlify cms!