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Review ripgrep #4

Open deniss-s opened 5 years ago

deniss-s commented 5 years ago

Some redditors suggested ripgrep as an alternative for exa. You might want to cover it in your next reviews.

P. S. Really like your blog. Design is great - minimalistic and pleasant to look at. The way the article was organized is nice and informative. Keep up the good work!

P. P. S. Take a look at the link above I'm not the only one who liked it.

zed commented 4 years ago

ripgrep is more the alternative for grep (as the name suggests).

delucks commented 4 years ago

I am intending on covering ripgrep, but there's already a few well-put comparisons of tools in this space on the Internet:

I am only going to review ripgrep if I have something new to add. My intention is to cover the user experience of each of these tools and discuss the ecosystem that's evolved around them, but I'm open to suggestions on how to draw the differences between them.