delving / culture-hub

The Delving Search and Administrative Interface
Apache License 2.0
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Fetch record-definitions at runtime #580

Closed manuelbernhardt closed 12 years ago

manuelbernhardt commented 12 years ago

At the moment, record-definitions are built into a definitions.jar, then packaged together when the hub is built & deployed. So for each record-definition change the hub needs to be re-built and re-deployed.

Instead a better approach would be to have a kind of SchemaFetcher that would download the record definition and validation from the repository, for the starters perhaps only when the hub starts up (and later perhaps via an API call / UI button)

This would mean:

Some thoughts:

glamcloud commented 12 years ago


And even better if we could see the current Field-markers (in reality a SOLR rec-def on top of icn, aff, tib etc) as a separate cross-walk-mapping and something being part of the source mapping. So fetch a given cross-walk using a another mapping as the source. Then all of it should be a bit more agnostic and future proof.