delvr / Farseek

A Scala API for Minecraft mods.
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mod does not activate in 1.12.2 #47

Open JediaKyrol opened 5 years ago

JediaKyrol commented 5 years ago

I have attempted multiple times with various forge versions and all of the 1.12 releases of Farseek and Repose...they show up on the mod list and repose generates a config file, but can not walk up 1-height blocks or trigger collapse of hanging blocks. No crash and no error log is generated. Run log shows both farseek and repose were loaded, but nothing after that.

My current configuration is: Forge: 1.12.2- Mods: Farseek-1.12-2.3.2 Repose-1.12-1.6.3

Run log: latest.log

delvr commented 5 years ago

That's strange, I don't see anything obviously wrong in your logs. Could you post your Repose config file?

JediaKyrol commented 5 years ago

# Repose Settings

# The blocks considered to be granular.
# Comma-separated list of values
repose.granularBlocks=minecraft:clay, minecraft:concrete_powder, minecraft:dirt, minecraft:farmland, minecraft:grass, minecraft:grass_path, minecraft:gravel, minecraft:mycelium, minecraft:sand, minecraft:soul_sand

# The blocks considered to be natural stone.
# Comma-separated list of values
repose.naturalStoneBlocks=minecraft:bedrock, minecraft:coal_ore, minecraft:diamond_ore, minecraft:emerald_ore, minecraft:end_stone, minecraft:gold_ore, minecraft:hardened_clay, minecraft:iron_ore, minecraft:lapis_ore, minecraft:netherrack, minecraft:quartz_ore, minecraft:red_sandstone, minecraft:redstone_ore, minecraft:sandstone, minecraft:stained_hardened_clay, minecraft:stone

# Makes certain blocks act as walkable slopes.
# Valid values: None, Granular Materials (default), Natural Stone Blocks, Both.
# [Granular Materials]: Clay, Dirt, Farmland, Grass Block, Grass Path, Gravel, Mycelium, Sand, Soul Sand, concretePowder
# [Natural Stone Blocks]: Bedrock, Coal Ore, Diamond Ore, Emerald Ore, End Stone, Gold Ore, Iron Ore, Lapis Lazuli Ore,
# Nether Quartz Ore, Netherrack, Red Sandstone, Redstone Ore, Sandstone, Stained Terracotta, Stone, Terracotta

# If true, all blocks made of granular material (not just sand and gravel) can fall down.

# If true, blocks that fall will also spread into piles instead of forming columns.

# If true, non-soil blocks that can spread will also trigger avalanches when disturbed. Note: this option has no effect
# when using the EnviroMine mod.