delvr / Farseek

A Scala API for Minecraft mods.
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Streams with Chunk Pregenerator Creates Still Water. #61

Open Deuxferia opened 4 years ago

Deuxferia commented 4 years ago

Hi there, First off, i saw an old post related to chunk pregen and performance, but this issue is about the Streams in my world are generated as still water instead of flowing. First i tried with all the mods i play, notice the issue and moved them all to try with just RTG, farseek, Streams and Chunk Pregen to see if any of the other mods was causing an issue here. (Btw, i'm playing in 1.12.2 and the version of Farseek is 1.12-2.5, Streams is 1.12-0.4.8, RTG 1.12.2- and Chunk pregen is V1.12-2.2) 1- 1st Screenshot was using the chunk pregen in 30 chunk radius adding post. 2020-05-05_19 10 40 2- this 2nd is generating the world normally. 2020-05-05_19 12 28 Used same seed for better reference. Now, i wonder if there's a way to change this as i can only play "normally" with pregen for my set up, and really enjoy the immersion Streams provides to the world. I can provide more info and everything to help and resolve this "Issue". Best Regards.

Enterprise12nx01 commented 3 years ago

can confirm same thing

Enterprise12nx01 commented 3 years ago

Damn...any fix for this?

Enterprise12nx01 commented 2 years ago
