delvr / Streams

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Streams causing server crash in SevTech Ages #105

Open Gpauxe opened 4 years ago

Gpauxe commented 4 years ago

Hi, I didn't know if I should put this here or in the SevTech Ages issue board but I have noticed crashing and was wondering if someone could help me pinpoint the cause. The reason I believe it's streams causing the crash is because when I disable streams in the config everything works fine, so I'm not sure if it's a conflict but I really do love the streams mod and want to see if I can get it back up and running.

I have attached a few crashlogs below of what's happening crash-2020-06-14_22.41.41-server.txt


mxnmnm commented 4 years ago

Increase the max tick time in (I recommend making it some big number so you don't need to worry about it again)

Gpauxe commented 4 years ago

It's currently set to 60000 is that not high enough? I could always bump it up to like 60000000000000000 but I don't know if that would fix the crash or just make it take longer for us to get kicked out.

mxnmnm commented 4 years ago

Worth a shot (I'd recommend adding in only another zero or two not more than that) but yea it doesn't look like that is the issue really. I just remember this having been an issue before and figured maybe it might help changing it if it was at the default setting.

delvr commented 4 years ago

I see you're using Streams 0.4.7; this should be fixed in 0.4.8. ( Please upgrade (back up your world first!) and let me know if you're still seeing this crash.