delvr / Streams

Flowing rivers in Minecraft.
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[Question] how to manually edit streams blocks #93

Open donqixot opened 4 years ago

donqixot commented 4 years ago

I have a question on how to manually edit streams blocks. From dumpregistry command I see water block as


with different variations of numbers at the end. Also minecraft fill command finds such blocks, so following command is auto-filled by that command:

/fill -58 247 201 -58 247 201 streams:river/tile.water 0 replace air

Yet, it say there is no such block "streams:river/tile.water". I tried different syntax varions such as

"streams:river.tile.water" "streams:river_tile.water"

Still no luck. Is there a way to manually specify streams blocks in commands such as "/fill" or especially worldedit commands? Right now, worldedit only tells me blockID like 1881, but not the name.