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Football statistic project: script for using data collector #8

Open kilian-student opened 7 months ago

kilian-student commented 7 months ago

First find the neccessary keys to evaluate the game. The keys need to match with the OpenLigaDB API (

A script is needed that calls the data colllector with the correct keys.

kilian-student commented 7 months ago

An important taskt of the script will be to simplify the OpenLigaDB access keys from the keywords we understand.

Example: Bundesliga (our key) -> 'bl1' (OpenLigaDB key)

kilian-student commented 7 months ago


Their might be a problem with the data for one match: OpenLigaDB is not providing statistical information

There are other api's like: that have more match details

Or another idea. Scrap data from this webpage: here we can get the expected goals and other very important statistics!

kilian-student commented 7 months ago

I scraped the data from

You can find it in data/raw_data/understat_data.json