demian85 / food-genius

Telegram bot allowing you to build and find recipes
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Make the bot user-friendly #6

Closed Ch1mi closed 10 months ago

Ch1mi commented 11 months ago

We need to implement the mock I've shared.

Ch1mi commented 10 months ago
  1. Change the config command. Instead of asking the user about its alimentary restriction, just ask him about what proteins he eats. By default: pescado, carne, pollo, huevo, tofú, seitán, soja. The user can click multiple proteins.
  2. Change the eat command. Group almuerzo and cena under Comidas and desayuno y merienda under Colaciones.
  3. Change the eat command. When the user clicks Comida, the bot will show directly 3 options based on the proteins selected on the config (1 idea per 1 protein). When the user clicks Colaciones, the bot will show 3 options: 2 sweet and 1 savory.