demian85 / git-watcher

Git GUI desktop app that shows real-time diff file information for working directory and index
MIT License
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Push does not allow to choose a repository #5

Closed yar0d closed 9 years ago

yar0d commented 10 years ago


I've got multiple remote branch, and the GUI does not offer a selection for them. I don't want to define a default one, because I use a different branch according to where I work with my computer.


Here is the message (French language inside):

Error: Command failed: git push

warning: push.default n'est pas défini ; sa valeur implicite a changé dans Git 2.0
de 'matching' vers 'simple'. Pour supprimer ce message et maintenir
le comportement actuel après la modification de la valeur de défaut, utilisez :

  git config --global push.default matching

Pour supprimer ce message et adopter le nouveau comportement maintenant, utilisez :

  git config --global push.default simple

Quand push.default vaudra 'matching', git poussera les branches locales
sur les branches distantes qui existent déjà avec le même nom.

Depuis Git 2.0, Git utilise par défaut le comportement plus conservatif 'simple'
qui ne pousse la branche courante que vers la branche distante correspondante
que 'git pull' utilise pour mettre à jour la branche courante.

Voir 'git help config' et chercher 'push.default' pour plus d'information.
(le mode 'simple' a été introduit dans Git 1.7.11. Utilisez le mode similaire
'current' au lieu de 'simple' si vous utilisez de temps en temps d'anciennes versions de Git)

ssh: connect to host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
demian85 commented 10 years ago

Yeah I know. I'll work on that as soon as I can.

demian85 commented 10 years ago

Just uploaded latest build v0.4.11 which includes many changes, this feature included. The thing is, I didn't have much time to test the new push dialog. Using the '--tags' option seems to fail silently. Also, this feature won't work if pushing requires you to enter username/password. You need to have ssh keys configured. I'll continue working on the app during the week, but mostly on weekends.