demianchuk-o / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Create a timeline #3

Closed demianchuk-o closed 1 year ago

demianchuk-o commented 1 year ago

Add a list of all your activities, achievements, work experience. Add as much info as you can remember. In case you don't have working experience tell about your pet-projects or student projects. Don't be shy :)

demianchuk-o commented 1 year ago

Education: September 2021 - June 2025 Faculty of Informatics and Software Engineering @ Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

  • 3rd semester - the most remarkable experience was doing Designing Algorithms labs, where we learned and implemented different search algorithms and complex data structures, while personally learning to write better C# code. Also, at this semester I designed a database for public transportation network operating using PostgreSQL.
  • 4th semester - I took a .NET programming class where I learned to use LINQ, better understand OOP and SOLID principles and also implement classic GoF design patterns, which gave me more experience with C# and .NET platform and was motivating me to write more modern and structured programs.