When testing the the import function, I found that the default password ("password") was not being inserted in the database correctly. I'm using MySQL 5, PHP 5, Xampp.
I doublechecked the hashes using md5.rednoize.com and found that has being stored was not the word "password" but could not be found. On about line 143, in ''modules/user/classes/UserImportMgr.php'' one can find the word password being converted using the md5 function.
However, if you log on with any of the imported users you get an error. So looking at the parent class: ''modules/user/classes/UserMgr.php'' on line 197 you can see the md5 function is already being applied.
In the child class, if I change the value of the variable $user->passwd to just equal "password" as opposed to md5('password') the data is stored with the correct value.
A couple of days ago I submitted a question on the forum because I was having some problems with it. Let me know if this change can be applied.
When testing the the import function, I found that the default password ("password") was not being inserted in the database correctly. I'm using MySQL 5, PHP 5, Xampp.
I doublechecked the hashes using md5.rednoize.com and found that has being stored was not the word "password" but could not be found. On about line 143, in ''modules/user/classes/UserImportMgr.php'' one can find the word password being converted using the md5 function.
However, if you log on with any of the imported users you get an error. So looking at the parent class: ''modules/user/classes/UserMgr.php'' on line 197 you can see the md5 function is already being applied.
In the child class, if I change the value of the variable $user->passwd to just equal "password" as opposed to md5('password') the data is stored with the correct value.
A couple of days ago I submitted a question on the forum because I was having some problems with it. Let me know if this change can be applied.