demianturner / sgl-docs-tickets-migration-test

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SiteExporter receiving parameters #1625

Closed demianturner closed 11 years ago

demianturner commented 11 years ago

if you try and send parameters to site exporter like

$cmd = "php /www/index.php --moduleName=siteexporter --managerName=siteexporter --action=runCollection --baseUrl= --params=va1:val1::va2:val2";

the value of $req->get('params') gets erased. It works if you just send params as --param (remove s):

$cmd = "php /www/index.php --moduleName=siteexporter --managerName=siteexporter --action=runCollection --baseUrl= --param=va1:val1::va2:val2";

$input->params = $req->get('param');

demianturner commented 11 years ago

[demian] debugged this and works as expected, with params