demianturner / sgl-docs-tickets-migration-test

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getStyleFiles called but not defined #1671

Closed demianturner closed 11 years ago

demianturner commented 11 years ago

when logged in as adming to edit config, index.php/default/config/ lib/SGL/Util.php no longer has SGL_Util::getStyleFiles(); which causes a fatal error.

Seems to run fine with it commented out in modules/default/configmgr.php:line 133 and line 253

demianturner commented 11 years ago

[demian] This was removed in the last release of Seagull. Please check that a new install of 0.6.5 does not cause this problem and close this ticket as necessary.

demianturner commented 11 years ago

[demian] all "getStyleFiles()" code was removed a few releases ago