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SGL_Session Constructor #1746

Closed demianturner closed 11 years ago

demianturner commented 11 years ago

The constructor is ignoring the configuration setting of a cookie's lifetime. It always uses 0 (zero) instead of the configuration ($conf['session']['maxLifetime'])

{{{ session_set_cookie_params(0, $conf['cookie']['path'], $conf['cookie']['domain'], $conf['cookie']['secure']); }}}

Should be changed to

{{{ session_set_cookie_params($conf['session']['maxLifetime'], $conf['cookie']['path'], $conf['cookie']['domain'], $conf['cookie']['secure']); }}}

Doing this change will allow cookies to expire properly when set from the configuration.

demianturner commented 11 years ago

[demian] see the comment to the constructor {{{ // set session timeout to 0 (until the browser is closed) initially, // then use user timeout in isTimedOut() method }}}

using the user preferences, you can either set a global timeout (by the value you set in the preference table), or on a per-user basis (user_preference).

the $conf['session']['maxLifetime'] should be removed ...